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Stocksbridge Development-Retail not Regeneration

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We all know about the plans for the proposed new Stocksbridge retail development and what Dransfield Deveopments want to do for our town!!!!

We all know that Stocksbridge is desparate for regeneration and needs an identity for being on the map….but we need to ask ourselves this do we really think that Stocksbridge should be know for its ‘retail park’ and nothing else...our heritage our Valleys history, Samuel Fox, the old Hunshelf corn mill, the old Stocksbridge Bridge which can still be found under the road at Hunshelf Bottom amongst a few to be mentioned…I wonder if people are aware of what can still be found down here in the valley and all the links we have to the heritage walks which the Steel Valley Project have helped to restore over the last 20yrs.


The planned development will create an inward looking development for new big multi retailers one which does not open up to the existing enviroment and local businesses already here in Stocksbridge. There is the increased traffic problems which will be created on already busy roads. I am not against progress far from the opposite but we have to ask ourselves do we really realise what is coming down the line and are we not interested in our childrens future. What will we be left with after the developers have gone!!


There are concerns that if this planning application was to be built anywhere else closer to Sheffield than Stocksbridge it would not be allowed in its present form and planners would be asking for more from the Developer, this makes us questions Sheffield Councils support of our Valley yet again!. Check out Sheffield council planning website planning ref number 08/02703/Ful) by Dransfield Deveopment and architects WCEC are all they can offer our valley. We (Stocksbridge) need the developers to work with us and hopefully help bring a future wealth and sustainability to the valley for everyone not just the chosen few! the national retailers, what ever happened to keep trade local. This is not stating that this development shouldn’t happen…this is stating the fact that we have very little time left to change things for our own good – the good of Stocksbridge, its history and its future.

Without a past we wouldnot have a present to build and a future to protect...We need regeneration but not passed off as retail development. We want the best plans to go ahead in many respects but not at the detriment of people and businesses who have worked hard to survive and been part of Stocksbridge for a long time.


What is your opinion….do we really want to accept what we are being offered … Stocksbridge seems to be easy pickings as we all want to regenerate the area and no one is fighting for anything else… this is our chance…our last chance …think carefully before you allow the submitted plans to go through…don’t let this opportunity go by.. voice your opinions…why not just walk down and check out the site on Hunshelf Road… take a look and walk down Ford Lane our PROW planned to be removed…..these walks which take you down through the works to Deepcar…will be history and not the future Steel Valley Way(as proposed) which is to link to the upper don walk and on into sheffield.Our opportunity to open up the valley bottom for elderly, disabled, mums with prams and cyclists etc…is this really what we want…do we really want to loose the oportunity of opening up our valley for things more rural. surly there is room in this development for compromise…Such a large and growing town which could be a wonderful place to live and bring up a family if developed right….lets here your voices ….

Voice your opinions on the development online or to Sheffield Planning before the 4th june http://WWW.sheffield.gov.uk quote ref 08/027103/ful

The Development goes before sheffield planning board Tuesday 9th June at Sheffield Town Hall...and is open to the public....have your say now...

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whats the best for jobs and bringing business and money in to the area stocksbridge needs a real supermarket like Tesco or Asda, not the over price small useless Co op, Lidl is ok but doesn't tick all the boxes, there's plenty of walks and such and look at foxglen that supposed to have been done up years ago and is crap to the side of it was originally.


stocksbridge needs jobs .

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Although the sentiments in the OP are laudable, the concept of some idyllic setting with walks and trees and local traders selling local produce is just not realistic. The remediation of the land will be hugely expensive and without the big national retailers funding the project it simply won't happen.

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I keep reading, comments like those of fostermartin, I've never read one yet that suggests exactly what should be put there and who would pay for it.

Yes we would all like to see a park with a walk by the river and a heritage centre and playground. This would need funding at the expence of some other council funded project the maintenance alone would probably triple the stocksbridge amenity budget.

Within 6 months it would become a No Go area and drug centre after dark.

Get real these things need paying for.

The extra traffic on Manchester road, I can see as a problem, having said that, the point the developers have been making all along and one of the reasons they give for allowing the project. Where do people think the extra traffic will come from. It's actually traffic that's already there but currently going out of the valley into Sheffield.

I could immagine instead of 20% of retail spend remaining in Stocksbridge the figure would more likely be 80%.

Other areas have already got what Stocksbridge will get in the way of retail variations, so excepting any particular specialist shop, not much traffic will migrate out of sheffield to Stocksbridge to add to the problems.

Despite what people say a development such as this does help revive a town, allowing outsiders to get a better impression, encouraging other developers to build houses there.

Whether or not there is an employment requirement within the planning, commonsence dictates that most jobs will end up with Stocksbridge people whether existing or incoming.

Retail is good at supplying part time employment, which fits people's financial, family and social needs.

If you want to make a difference, then get together and demand a supertram extention along the private rail into the works, now that is something which will have a positive influence on Outibridge Deepcar and Stocksbridge, along with an affordable park and ride scheme. Unfortunatly its a fact of life, those who shout loudest get the most attention.

If someone decides to organise an open up Stocksbridge to Supertram committee, I'd be happy to join

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I went to Stocksbridge on Saturday and although the place is still as dirty and mucky as always it is nice to be able to go to a village and not a Tesco. There are two relatively big supermarkets in town and an array of local shops all along Manchester Road.


The place could easily be nicer if they'd clean the houses and do something with the high street.


Prioblem with Stocksbridge, other than everyone there is of the same family is that it's locked, there are no proper bus services and the A616 (old course) through to Hillsbro is plain pathetic. There's that mini bus that doesn't even go to town so Stocksbridgians need to change and get on tram.


The missus agreed that the place certainly is nicer without large supermarket, they really wreck an area, kill all commerce, remove choice and transform a place into a bland hell hole. Unfortunately, because I don't live in Stocksbridge myself I can't decently go objecting to the planning app.

I keep reading, comments like those of fostermartin, I've never read one yet that suggests exactly what should be put there and who would pay for it.
Don't put anything?
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Tooeg why not join the Don Valley Railway and support the cause to bring back trains to stocksbridge - we have even been looking at the new tram trains possibility which would be ideal. This development also needs to benefit our future plans along with others like fostermartins for a better future. There are many views on the propossed Retail Park and it would be nice to see Sheffield Council and Developers listening to the people and incorporating other things. This is just like our future plans for a station - yes they are showing a halt in the plans but as people know for a train or tram to stop and people to alight saftley it needs to be larger than proposed. It seems that people are asking for support with ensuring developers who are really only interested in what they can make themselves are not allowed to build the cheapest option for the most gains...after all its the people of the valley who will be left with it just like what we have now...these were developers plans too years ago. It nice to read that some people are still passionate about the areas in which we live and even if you dont live there you still have your right to comment on the planning application so why not put pen to paper and show support Captain. If you want to make a difference then do something about it and the DVR will gladly welcome any help if it supports the valley's needs.

Edited by D V R
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whats the best for jobs and bringing business and money in to the area stocksbridge needs a real supermarket like Tesco or Asda, not the over price small useless Co op, Lidl is ok but doesn't tick all the boxes, there's plenty of walks and such and look at foxglen that supposed to have been done up years ago and is crap to the side of it was originally.


stocksbridge needs jobs .


So you would be happy to loose the local butcher, greengrocer, baker, chemist, newsagent and most other independant retailers in favour of a faceless Tesco/Asda/Morrisons? These places don't take around £1/2 a million a week from extra spend.

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i know its harsh but local shops are dying they cant compete with major supermarkets but how many people in stocksbridge go to the supermarkets in sheffield like asda and morrisions . So there is a call for a supermarket like a asda , morrisons to open in stocksbridge .

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