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Stocksbridge Development-Retail not Regeneration

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The new development if planning permission is granted will bring with it nearly 800 jobs for local people, Im sorry but this is a much needed development.




What long term proof do have to back this claim?


And how many of these jobs will be part time minimum wage?

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So you would be happy to loose the local butcher, greengrocer, baker, chemist, newsagent and most other independant retailers in favour of a faceless Tesco/Asda/Morrisons? These places don't take around £1/2 a million a week from extra spend.

YES ..........simples :)

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I'm sure these people are very concerned, their trading patterns will change tremendously in the first few weeks of the supermarket opening.

I'm sure John Crawshaw doesn't currently serve all of the 15000 stocksbridge population.

Whereas his father probably did.

Some customers will stick with the local shops, some will try the supermarket and drift back. Some who shopped at hillsborough will begin to shop locally when they realise they can get everything they need on their doorstep. People who haven't had a choice in the past because they weren't mobile are probably the most likely to be lost to the supermarket.

Shoppers aren't a load of sheep, they will soon decide where to get any particular item from. Either by price or quality or style of service.

The other worry for these businesses is keeping staff, who could be entised away by, better wages, better hours etc.

It won't be easy.

I hope we look back a year after the opening and find them all still there, still in business with some extra shops open on the high street. selling big town products, three piece suites, washing machines, music systems. gents clothes.

Even the CoOp will have to change its style. Become some type of CoOp express.

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Come on, obviously if the development is passed jobs will be up for grabs part-time or otherwise.


Im sure people would love to have a little part time job near to where they live, I would. instead of having to travel 10miles into Sheffield, by public transport. would save £50 quid a month on fares.

Think of the local people who would also use the new shops saving tons of carbon by not having to travel to outlaying shopping centres.


Stocksbridge needs to move on.

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Its all well and good talking about jobs but given the fact that this development is to be built in an area prone to flooding would you feel safe knowing that what happened in 2007 may well happen again! and your there on the day shopping...no one seems to be looking from that angle....almost 700 parking spaces all full one weekend with a min of two people per car plus workers and we have a similar situation to two years ago when the rain came so fast. This area was totally cut off can you imagine what it would be like. It would be great to say this sort of thing would never happen again but well!!!! they thought that at Doncaster Retail park recently...do you think these people would get insurance easily again! more empty shops...


you really need to think about every aspect of this planned development if we are to build a better Stocksbridge. Guess the people who built the precinct in the 60's never thought it would end up as it is today...time to think ahead.

Edited by fostermartin
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oh forgot it would be great to see Don Valley Railway bring back trains to the valley are you going to take them up on their offer Tooeg? it would be far better than all the cars at least then we wouldnt have the need for a big concrete car park and could have some greenspace (an open park) for familes leading into either the development or the planned Steel Valley Way. You'd then have a recreational choice Shopping or an outdoor activity.

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The new development if planning permission is granted will bring with it nearly 800 jobs for local people, Im sorry but this is a much needed development.


800 jobs in a supermarket ? ...more like 80 jobs - if you're lucky. And there are all the job losses in the existing smaller shops to take into account.


These job creations schemes inevitably turn out to be all smoke and mirrors, and Tesco laughing all the way to the bank.

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Greybeard, youve obviously not seen the development plans theres more than just a supermarket mate.


Yes a supermarket is just one retail premises amongst the many others.


Its a massive shopping centre that will give choice to the residents of Stocksbridge.


I believe other retail premises in the area and some at Hillsborough are very interested indeed about moving to the land that time forgot, and buying/renting new premises.


The jobs may not all be full time, any yes many will be part time I suspect, but a job is a job.

Let celebrate and be positive about possible new jobs in the area, Stocksbridge lost over

500 some months ago at the steel works.


The area needs this development.

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Think of the local people who would also use the new shops saving tons of carbon by not having to travel to outlaying shopping centres.


Stocksbridge needs to move on.


So in your opinion the power the stores use and the deliveries to the stores are all carbon free then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 hours a day opening and £500,000 worth of stock moved in and out per week will increase your carbon footprints not reduce it.

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