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Stocksbridge Development-Retail not Regeneration

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Now im gong to be try and be unbiased here, but please forgive me if I slip.


I own one of the businesses on Manchester road, and I am a very newcomer relitively speaking to Stocksbridge and Deepcar and from what I have seen and experianced its a great community who trys to take pride everyday!


My feelings after speaking to people is it will be much of a Marmite proposal, You will love it or hate it (however I have not heard much love for it from my customers)


Now I employee staff and above minimum wage so they are loyal to myself and my business but I am afraid that compared to big companys like M&S, Boots, Starbucks, Tesco etc they could ruien my business (It might not I could be wrong!)


Personally I will keep going whilst ever my customers need me, and not just the other way around. My customers come to me because we are local, Friendly and regularly put things back into Stocksbridge and deepcar.


My closing statement is this one... One day we will all end up working for big consortiums and "household" names - Then and only then will we look back to the "good old days" when we got a personal service, and not someone thats serving you "for minimum wage"


I hope it all works out best for Stocksbridge and Deepcar and not the ones trying to make a quick buck and are just Take Take Take



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Oh no, the spelling police. You must have been the one that listened in Kettle Breath's English classes at Stocksbridge School. :hihi::hihi:


Haha, no not at all. I was born and brought up in Sheffield, now aged 40, moved up here 8 years ago. I just find it a bit irritating when people knock this area.


It's a good area, a lot better than quite a lot of areas in Sheffield. I would not move back into Sheffield now.

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Haha, no not at all. I was born and brought up in Sheffield, now aged 40, moved up here 8 years ago. I just find it a bit irritating when people knock this area.


It's a good area, a lot better than quite a lot of areas in Sheffield. I would not move back into Sheffield now.


You will find that most people who knock it ,dont live there and have never lived there.

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800 jobs in a supermarket ? ...more like 80 jobs - if you're lucky. And there are all the job losses in the existing smaller shops to take into account.


These job creations schemes inevitably turn out to be all smoke and mirrors, and Tesco laughing all the way to the bank.



Spot-on, there will be no increase in the number of jobs, just people being moved to work in one shop from another.


Surely this land, with rail link, should be reserved for industrial development to create REAL jobs rather than another crappy shopping centre with tin-pot minimum wage jobs.

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You will find that most people who knock it ,dont live there and have never lived there.


Lived up there 20 years in my youth. Really picturess place, but back in the 70s & 80s they didnt like strangers comming into their town taking their jobs. When my dad was working, he was a stranger taking up a valley job, when he went on the sick with a spinal disease he was a dole scrounger taking their tax money, and 11 years of my school life was hell. No wonder I have trouble spelling lol.


Anyone relying on the state for substinance up Stocksbridge were known as 'scrubbers' and if you live on Kenworthy Road, you were like Boldrick off Black Adder.


I only have a few friends up Stocky. The rest of the people I grew up with, I have no time for. But in 20 years much must have changed with the influx of new people? The out-of-townies.


I do recall the upset that people moving in off the old Kelvin caused in the 80's.

Edited by rollwithit
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  • 8 months later...

Tara,It is sure to happen sometime although if I was a developer I think I would be looking elsewhere if I wanted a return on my investment. Stocksbridge needs that investment but until the council stop listening to that tiny minority with vested interests pretending to be interested in the environment it wont happen. The vast majority of the population want it but it is the few who dont want it who make all the noise.

Edited by penno
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Tara,It is sure to happen sometime although if I was a developer I think I would be looking elsewhere if I wanted a return on my investment. Stocksbridge needs that investment but until the council stop listening to that tiny minority with vested interests pretending to be interested in the environment it wont happen. The vast majority of the population want it but it is the few who dont want it who make all the noise.


on what research do you base these comments?

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