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Sheffield cable TV pre 1980s

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Hi Grahame

No Mckeown's my name. I rember Brizz as he did Lowedges & Jordanthorpe before me. I also remember Dippy Downing, Steve Deighton, Hitler’s brother, who I smacked in the head, Ian Peck, Dave Osborne, Mick West, Dave Appleyard, Mick Tw*t Healey, Dave Morris, Bill Denton, Darryl Dipstick, Geoff Bower, Terry Aizethorpe, Terry Northcliffe, John Hudson, Arthur Evans, Captain Confusion, Terry Pashley, Alan Thomson, Ralph Major who was a good personal friend for many years, Fat John in stores, Jo the Mechanic, old Joe Ex councilor. Many of the linesmen and a number of the Ladies that worked in Accounts canteen & help desk taking calls. Also some of the "girls" in sales @ various branches.

I was there for 17 years and could tell you some stories that would embarrass a few and rattle a few cages to say the least. I worked in the Service dept and in the field & from a number of branches. Then after an argument with Don Stone may he fester slowly from something that they cannot cure, moved to Rumbellows then Mastercare. Took a sideways step into computing which was the best trick ever. Then in 1990 moved out Australia, not looked back at all until I saw a post this week and followed up on the BRW thing.

My wife and I also owned a Takeaway on Shoreham street that was a good earner for about 5 years. This p155ed off the jealous armholes at VH but who cares. I also used to run my own TV repair & Rental business that was also a good earner too!


Better not say too much on an open forum to protect the guilty & weak bladdered that I had the misfortune to have to work with! Not to say that some of the above were and hopefully still are exceptional human beings.


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Hi Grahame

No Mckeown's my name. I rember Brizz as he did Lowedges & Jordanthorpe before me. I also remember Dippy Downing, Steve Deighton, Hitler’s brother, who I smacked in the head, Ian Peck, Dave Osborne, Mick West, Dave Appleyard, Mick Tw*t Healey, Dave Morris, Bill Denton, Darryl Dipstick, Geoff Bower, Terry Aizethorpe, Terry Northcliffe, John Hudson, Arthur Evans, Captain Confusion, Terry Pashley, Alan Thomson, Ralph Major who was a good personal friend for many years, Fat John in stores, Jo the Mechanic, old Joe Ex councilor. Many of the linesmen and a number of the Ladies that worked in Accounts canteen & help desk taking calls. Also some of the "girls" in sales @ various branches.

I was there for 17 years and could tell you some stories that would embarrass a few and rattle a few cages to say the least. I worked in the Service dept and in the field & from a number of branches. Then after an argument with Don Stone may he fester slowly from something that they cannot cure, moved to Rumbellows then Mastercare. Took a sideways step into computing which was the best trick ever. Then in 1990 moved out Australia, not looked back at all until I saw a post this week and followed up on the BRW thing.

My wife and I also owned a Takeaway on Shoreham street that was a good earner for about 5 years. This p155ed off the jealous armholes at VH but who cares. I also used to run my own TV repair & Rental business that was also a good earner too!


Better not say too much on an open forum to protect the guilty & weak bladdered that I had the misfortune to have to work with! Not to say that some of the above were and hopefully still are exceptional human beings.



Hiya Mick

You taught me to Drive , Swap Tubes , Pull Up Tree Roots the list goes on


Check Your PM`s


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Hi Grahame

No Mckeown's my name. I rember Brizz as he did Lowedges & Jordanthorpe before me. I also remember Dippy Downing, Steve Deighton, Hitler’s brother, who I smacked in the head, Ian Peck, Dave Osborne, Mick West, Dave Appleyard, Mick Tw*t Healey, Dave Morris, Bill Denton, Darryl Dipstick, Geoff Bower, Terry Aizethorpe, Terry Northcliffe, John Hudson, Arthur Evans, Captain Confusion, Terry Pashley, Alan Thomson, Ralph Major who was a good personal friend for many years, Fat John in stores, Jo the Mechanic, old Joe Ex councilor. Many of the linesmen and a number of the Ladies that worked in Accounts canteen & help desk taking calls. Also some of the "girls" in sales @ various branches.

I was there for 17 years and could tell you some stories that would embarrass a few and rattle a few cages to say the least. I worked in the Service dept and in the field & from a number of branches. Then after an argument with Don Stone may he fester slowly from something that they cannot cure, moved to Rumbellows then Mastercare. Took a sideways step into computing which was the best trick ever. Then in 1990 moved out Australia, not looked back at all until I saw a post this week and followed up on the BRW thing.

My wife and I also owned a Takeaway on Shoreham street that was a good earner for about 5 years. This p155ed off the jealous armholes at VH but who cares. I also used to run my own TV repair & Rental business that was also a good earner too!


Better not say too much on an open forum to protect the guilty & weak bladdered that I had the misfortune to have to work with! Not to say that some of the above were and hopefully still are exceptional human beings.



Hi Mick, your post brought back a lot of memories and I love your comments, I am laughing at them now. I never knew that about what you did to Steve Deighton, you could have given him one for me as well. I was so glad I never had to work for him; he had his own service depo on Kettlebridge Road. Mick Healey went to South Africa when TV came out over there, I understand Bill Denton died of a heart attack, he was a great bloke and a big friend of Brizz if I remember correctly, weren’t they both from Woodside Lane? I spent hours talking to old Joe, I think he was once the Lord Mayor? I have fond memories of Joe the garage mechanic as a person and one person you forgot was Allen Senior who was the best bench tech ever in my opinion. I think Terry Pashley died of lung cancer?


Great memories, and sad ones as well. I went to Foxhill with VisionHire, then Granada took over and there were various closures, mergers and moves until in the end we merged with Radio Rentals and we had to drive to Leeds every day, you were best out of it. Then we got made redundant in 2001 and that was more or less the end of the TV rental trade.


I had eight years to fill until my 65th birthday in 2009 so I took a low paid job, the reason being it wasn’t stressful, then and I don’t know how it happened I got to be a school caretaker and I am still there age 65 and hope to stay on a bit longer if possible as I enjoy the work.


I found out recently that I have family in Sydney and there you are in Australia. How about that!


Good luck Mick and thanks for the memories.

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Hi Grahame

Must be my punctuation but I did not thump Stevie but Geoff H who I used to call Hitler’s Brother, he was just one guy that was difficult to get on with & I did not suffer fools readily. I thought of maybe a dozen more names after my last post but I do not recall you at the moment but you seem to have been there at the same time as me so I must have met you. I am guessing that Grahame is a pseudonym. I remember most of the guys from foxhill who worked for VHire & I worked at Kettlebridge road with The Honey Monster (SD) & his gang, Mick H, Don S, John H, with the rest being me Dave A, Colin D, Mick W, Terry N, Anne T, Mary? We used to do some hairy things Ian & I used to rally his Metro and pay to fix it so SD did not find out, Ian drove his two day old Metro through a flood and seized the engine so I towed it home sucked all the water out of the spark plug holes, dried the paper air filter in the tumble drier, removed all the floor drains & removed gallons of water. It had flooded the car to dashboard level and it stunk for months, but he got a new engine under Leyland’s warranty. It confused the RAC guy. We used to ring in calls to make us look busy so we did not have to spend time in the workshop with SD. One time John Carothers took off to Ladybower res to watch the Dambusters reenactment & bumped into Tom Parry & the area manger with his bit of skirt, none of us should have been there so it was a Mexican standoff. But when I walked into the canteen there was a big cheer and they sang the dambusters march. Colin & I would copy DVD’s for a Video Library in Ecclesall road because I found a way to crack the encryption. So we would line up six or more VCR’s and have them running 24x7, all on loan of course! I heard that Don had Married Debbie Scott but I think someone was trying to wind me up, do you know. There is so many stories that come to mind but cannot air them here. Let me know more about you to see if I can remember you.

Regards Mick

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When I bought my house from the council I had to accept a covenant (wayleave) whereby the company (BRW or its successor) can maintain right of access over the property with its cabling. Now that the company is long gone, I wonder whether any successor has any such rights? I and others had the cables removed years ago.

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When I bought my house from the council I had to accept a covenant (wayleave) whereby the company (BRW or its successor) can maintain right of access over the property with its cabling. Now that the company is long gone, I wonder whether any successor has any such rights? I and others had the cables removed years ago.


There is no successor carosio and I believe the company was legally wound up. You won't be getting your shilling a year wayleave any more so the contract will be broken anyway.

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Hi Grahame

Must be my punctuation but I did not thump Stevie but Geoff H who I used to call Hitler’s Brother, he was just one guy that was difficult to get on with & I did not suffer fools readily. I thought of maybe a dozen more names after my last post but I do not recall you at the moment but you seem to have been there at the same time as me so I must have met you. I am guessing that Grahame is a pseudonym. I remember most of the guys from foxhill who worked for VHire & I worked at Kettlebridge road with The Honey Monster (SD) & his gang, Mick H, Don S, John H, with the rest being me Dave A, Colin D, Mick W, Terry N, Anne T, Mary? We used to do some hairy things Ian & I used to rally his Metro and pay to fix it so SD did not find out, Ian drove his two day old Metro through a flood and seized the engine so I towed it home sucked all the water out of the spark plug holes, dried the paper air filter in the tumble drier, removed all the floor drains & removed gallons of water. It had flooded the car to dashboard level and it stunk for months, but he got a new engine under Leyland’s warranty. It confused the RAC guy. We used to ring in calls to make us look busy so we did not have to spend time in the workshop with SD. One time John Carothers took off to Ladybower res to watch the Dambusters reenactment & bumped into Tom Parry & the area manger with his bit of skirt, none of us should have been there so it was a Mexican standoff. But when I walked into the canteen there was a big cheer and they sang the dambusters march. Colin & I would copy DVD’s for a Video Library in Ecclesall road because I found a way to crack the encryption. So we would line up six or more VCR’s and have them running 24x7, all on loan of course! I heard that Don had Married Debbie Scott but I think someone was trying to wind me up, do you know. There is so many stories that come to mind but cannot air them here. Let me know more about you to see if I can remember you.

Regards Mick


Hi Mick,

I have to admit I don't remember you very well either, I remember people like John Caruthers better, the simple reason being that you were on TVR while I used to do all the off-air stuff in the field. My name is Graham by the way.


If you were with us when we had radio control in the van then I was on the Lima team and later there was a name change and we became the November team. I remember Ted Baker was on our team and I think Carl Binks who married Cynthia from out of the office. I can't remember many more. John Haggerty was with us for a while.


The India team who I remember best used to do Sheffield 5. I remember Paul Bishop and David Morris, I must be getting old? I always used to think the people who did pipeline sets had the best deal, what with fitting front ends and adjusting the de-tilt and kicking the elcon plug back into the socket and just about every other call being a line fault? :) Only kidding.


What happened is that I was working for Snelsons in 1960 and then they bought the old Malthouses building on Derbyshire Lane and I remember working with Aurther Sandford who was one of the Snelsons directors rewiring the Canteen. We were there for about five years and then British Relay took us over and you all moved up from Woodside Lane to Derbyshire Lane. Up until that point I hadn't seen a TVR set. Then as we have already said Vision Hire took over and we continued operating from Derbyshire Lane (do you remember the Morris Scheme) and then that building was sold and as we have said I went to Foxhill, Charlie Leesley was there, he married Jill from out of the office, she used to be the radio operator, do you remember Steve Williams and Allan Kettle? With a name like that he should have been at Kettlebridge Road, then it went to Service Scope and we started doing insurance work for people like Coal Brothers and then there was a merger with Wigfalls and all their men came to Foxhill, Graham Cliff was one of them but you had left by then. After that it was Hellaby, then Kimberworth and then Radio Rentals at Leeds. All together I was there for 41 years and didn't we see some changes. It was 405 lines when I first started, then we had to cope with the changer to 625 lines and BBC2, then CH4, then much later I was involved with the CH5 tune-in program but in-between there was the introduction of solid-state, colour, video and Satellite, I bet there has never been a trade that has seen so much change.


But there we are, and here we are now, still surviving and I am still working when I could be retired, but I would rather be active. I never knew anything about the fun and games you got up to, just think what I missed. :)

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There is no successor carosio and I believe the company was legally wound up. You won't be getting your shilling a year wayleave any more so the contract will be broken anyway.


Thanks for that, can't remember getting any shillings, though!

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Hi Grahame

No Mckeown's my name. I rember Brizz as he did Lowedges & Jordanthorpe before me. I also remember Dippy Downing, Steve Deighton, Hitler’s brother, who I smacked in the head, Ian Peck, Dave Osborne, Mick West, Dave Appleyard, Mick Tw*t Healey, Dave Morris, Bill Denton, Darryl Dipstick, Geoff Bower, Terry Aizethorpe, Terry Northcliffe, John Hudson, Arthur Evans, Captain Confusion, Terry Pashley, Alan Thomson, Ralph Major who was a good personal friend for many years, Fat John in stores, Jo the Mechanic, old Joe Ex councilor. Many of the linesmen and a number of the Ladies that worked in Accounts canteen & help desk taking calls. Also some of the "girls" in sales @ various branches.

I was there for 17 years and could tell you some stories that would embarrass a few and rattle a few cages to say the least. I worked in the Service dept and in the field & from a number of branches. Then after an argument with Don Stone may he fester slowly from something that they cannot cure, moved to Rumbellows then Mastercare. Took a sideways step into computing which was the best trick ever. Then in 1990 moved out Australia, not looked back at all until I saw a post this week and followed up on the BRW thing.

My wife and I also owned a Takeaway on Shoreham street that was a good earner for about 5 years. This p155ed off the jealous armholes at VH but who cares. I also used to run my own TV repair & Rental business that was also a good earner too!


Better not say too much on an open forum to protect the guilty & weak bladdered that I had the misfortune to have to work with! Not to say that some of the above were and hopefully still are exceptional human beings.



hi my name is dave barraclough i worked S5 from woodside lane, i do recall some of the names you mentioned kind regards D B

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  • 10 months later...


Myself ( Dennis Greatbatch), Nev Brinnen, Jim Greensmith (ex Radio Hallam and YTV now deceased), Tom Millard, Alan Deutrrom and Anne Brinnen( Nevs sister). Started with Sheffield Cablevision in 1972. I was transmission controller, Nev was chief Engineer, Tom was VTR specialist extrodinare, Jim Greensmith head of News and Alan Deutrom Station manager.d Anne was the staion PA who later becam a presenter.

Sheffield Cablevision was soley owned by British Relay Wireless known for their cable TV service. We opened the station with a live broadcast from the Sheffield city hall where all business and civic leaders where in attendance

The studios were based at matilda street in Sheffield ( which were haunted ) where we had 3 link 103 studio cameras, production technical area, transmission control, news and continuity studios. The VTR machines were all IVC 871 and 961 and we had 16mm and 35mm telecine( in fact the 35mm telecine machine was one I rebuilt from the studios of ITN, it was the machine that broadcast the JFK shooting in Dallas. The studio electronics were made by Link and the sound desk was a crappy thing made by Millbank. We had a rotaing caption machine that would provide on screen captions which would switch during its cycle time to a photographic slide machine. We also had super eight telecine with a film loop and soundtrack of "This is Sheffield Cablevison your community TV Station.... "

Sheffield cablevision was fairly unique the whole studio facility with exception to the telecine machines could be folded up and fitted into an outside broadcast van.

We had some great times and consumed vast quantities of beer in the nearby Truro tavern. We also worked with some great stars of the day including James Mason, Bob Monkhouse, Marc Bolan, Showaddy waddy, etc etc my favourite was pans people who we recorded doing one of their many dance routines at the Crucible. I still have photos of the many guests.

Later in the day arrived Nick Smart on news desk, Mel Day and Andy Barber ex Baileys nightclub ( we spent a lot of time in baileys Night Club and casino), John Brand our new station manager, Alan Biggs our sports reporter, Lol have you got a fag and run out of petrol Fowler presenter ( now deceased god bless), John Lane music producer

These were some good times.

The Studio equipment along with the tapes were presented to the Bradford Museum of Film and Television.

When the station closed I moved onto the TV transmission side of things working from British Relays depot in Derbyshire lane. After around 8 years I moved to YTV in Leeds where i met up once again with Tom Millard and Jim Greensmith . After 10 years at Yorkshire I joined Virgin Media and head up the TV Engineering team

In those days we had just 4 channels today we have 300 plus video on demand and catch up TV.

Anyone fancy catching up my email is dennis.greatbatch@virginmedia.co.uk

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