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The Rude Shipyard, Abbeydale Road

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My partner and I made a visit to The Rude Shipyard on Saturday, it will probably be our last. Sadly, we didn't realize that rudeness applied to the customers as well. I'd only two sips of my coffee when a group of three pram pushing ladies (and I use the term loosely) and a man jammed their way into the cafe, prams and all. Mind you there is only enough room in the place to fit two tables and they moved right in without apology, shoving by the back of me as if I weren't even there. When I attempted to move out of their way and switched chairs they couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge the gesture. There is a lovely upright piano against the wall that the one woman, who, did I mention, earlier swung open the front door of the cafe, fashioned her fingers to her lips and let out a 'come on down' whistle to her companions who were still up the street quite a distance. This one had a 3 year old who she allowed to stand and bang on the keys of the piano with his toy truck, again without apology or even acknowledgment that there may be others trying to enjoy themselves in this self-proclaimed quiet bookshop. Another ordered hot chocolate for her 3 year old who immediately spilled it all over the counter. It was a circus of chaos. Don't know if this crew were mates of the guy behind the register doing the serving, but if they were, they're not doing him any favours. There needs to be a sign posted outside - No prams in house and mind your children. As we were walking out the door the piano banging little darling had moved onto our table and was left to play in the sugar bowl - would beware - who knows if the bowl got cleaned or the sugar changed after his grubby hands had been in it.

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So its turning into the Rude Chav Tipyard beneath my Broken WIndow now is it ?? This is the danger of opening sophisticated coffee shops in a very much NON sophisticated area where you can concieveably get all the chav unemployed pregnant unmarried benefit sucking mothers invading your premises - such a sad outcome to a very promising venture ..

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Hi, no, not saying that at all. The place would seem to be frequented by a kind of pseudo intellectual bohemian mix. And, while i would welcome an atmosphere bathed in high-brow conversation, fueled by the excellent blend of Almond tea, which i would highly recommend. It turned out to be a Crag hopper fest of seemingly over educated, ill mannered and badly coiffed baby makers. Now. I must at this point stress that i have nothing against people with bad hair, babies, piercings, etc etc etc. I would just like them to behave as though they were in a public place where others may come to partake of the ambiance. And not as if they were in a scene from Lord of the Flies. Long gone are the days when children should be seen and not heard, but my god... Well enough said. Of course it may have been that the customers who turned up at the same time as myself were practicing for Glastonbury. But who knows? Try the place for yourselves. But Be warned Mr proprietor. People who use the cafe as purely a meeting place and spend 2 hours over 1 cup of coffee will lead inevitably to ruination. Ta Ta.

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must resist urge to respond to above 3 comments....


i personally would happily recommend the rude shipyard to everyone, including those with kids.

i wouldn't recommend it to stuck up folk who belong in some dull bland coffee shop with no character and sugar in little paper sachets tho - gdwink, i think, must be speaking to you.


it may also be worth saying that the rude shipyard positively welcome anybody to come along whether they have kids or not and also inviting people to play the instruments - unlike most places that may use such things only as decorations.


and it is also worth saying that i was there that afternoon and would like to add that the aforementioned woman with "bad hair and piercings" helped the mums with prams in, asked to get a cloth when their kid spilt some hot chocolate, and stopped the kid playing the piano with their truck.


there is an upstairs btw.

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My partner and I made a visit to The Rude Shipyard on Saturday, it will probably be our last. Sadly, we didn't realize that rudeness applied to the customers as well. I'd only two sips of my coffee when a group of three pram pushing ladies (and I use the term loosely) and a man jammed their way into the cafe, prams and all. Mind you there is only enough room in the place to fit two tables and they moved right in without apology, shoving by the back of me as if I weren't even there. When I attempted to move out of their way and switched chairs they couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge the gesture. There is a lovely upright piano against the wall that the one woman, who, did I mention, earlier swung open the front door of the cafe, fashioned her fingers to her lips and let out a 'come on down' whistle to her companions who were still up the street quite a distance. This one had a 3 year old who she allowed to stand and bang on the keys of the piano with his toy truck, again without apology or even acknowledgment that there may be others trying to enjoy themselves in this self-proclaimed quiet bookshop. Another ordered hot chocolate for her 3 year old who immediately spilled it all over the counter. It was a circus of chaos. Don't know if this crew were mates of the guy behind the register doing the serving, but if they were, they're not doing him any favours. There needs to be a sign posted outside - No prams in house and mind your children. As we were walking out the door the piano banging little darling had moved onto our table and was left to play in the sugar bowl - would beware - who knows if the bowl got cleaned or the sugar changed after his grubby hands had been in it.
as I said... really interesting... :hihi: Think I'll pop down with my two year old. He loves pianos...
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