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Anybody remember Graham Shaw?

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Graham managed our Sunday league side in the late seventies - the Abbey Juniors and then later the side played for the Sheldon.

Graham was good bloke and gave up a lot of his free time to manage the side. For me he manged the side well - he wanted to win the games we played but realised that we were just a bunch of kids and were there to enjoy the game. This team produced a number of lads that later went into professional football, to his credit.


Very sorry to hear that he passed away - he was a good man and an excellent footballer; played for both Sheffield teams and won England caps at a time when England had a very strong side.:clap:

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One player not named in that defensive line-up is Tommy Hoyland who wore the number four shirt before Richardson. Tommy is still around the Crookes area and I think he used to run the Sheldon pub? He is the father of Jamie who played for the Blades, Burnley and Manchester City.

Bernard Shaw was in the side when Len Badger was right-back, both those played in the England Youth team along with former Wednesday player John Sissons (then of WHU) and that at a guess was about 1961?

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Originally posted by Texas

I remember he played for that other team, what's its name, Sheffield United, thats it. The last time I read anything about him, he was managing Skegness or Boston, but that was way back. Where did he go from there. I knew him when we were kids around Fowler St, little Hayward Rd etc; occasionaly he'd condescend to kick a ball around with the little Hayward Rd mob. He was always brilliant though, a very good boxer too. A lot of good footballers around there, Jack Linley, Tommy Gouldon, can't understand why they didn't make it professionly.


Graham passed away last year and although I am an Owl i remember him as a great competitor and as landlord of the Sportsman or was it the Cricketers?

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I was born on Fowler Street in 1959 a couple of years before the death knoll of the whole area where all my family lived.

I did not know the Shaw Bros as they where before my time but I'm sure my parents, Grand parents and relatives did.

Unfortunately none of them are no longer around to ask.

Interesting subject though.

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Originally posted by chuffinel

What a great defence that was. I can't ever remember any of those guys having a bad game. Talk about consistency. Alan Hodginson "The cat of Bramall Lane" would have been almost first choice for England except for the fact that Ron Springett of Wednesday was so good. It was a travesty that Joe Shaw didn't get capped often for England too. Reason cited was that he was too small. Could do with a few small players like him today. As for Graham, what a sight that used to be when he burst upfield on the left side. Coldwell and Summers were steady players game after game and when Richardson tackled someone they knew that they had been tackled. Happy days


I am an Owl and Ron Springett was my hero. He was the best keeper in the land for 4 years until the humiliating defeat against France in 1963 for which he carried the blame.


Alan Hodgkinson, scourge of the Owls, was without a doubt Englands number two throughout the Springett years. He and Ron were thge best of friends and I admired this great keeper very much.

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Two nice guys. Hodgy is still Scotland's goalkeeping coach and has not changed at all. Ron, unfortunately, has not been too good in recent years with heart problems. I still regard his signing as being one of the best Wednesday has ever made. You'll probably know he lived in London even when he played at Hillsborough. When the Owls played in the Birmingham area I used to join him in the cafeteria bar on Snow Hill station and have a chat, likewise at Preston from a Burnley or Blackburn match. One of Ron's daughters works at QPR.

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