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Def Leppard Question.....again.

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Great Band and one to be proud of. Wish I'd seen them when I was in Vegas. Rick Savage sometimes drinks in my local. No one bothers him and he seems a very down to earth bloke. Did they not all go to that school near Cross Pool? Forget the name. I think they have a plaque in Barkers Pool but that's about all.

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I love Def Leppard, fantastic band, their gig at the Arena last year was amazing and sold out so I don't see how people are embarrassed about them...


I've just remembered im seeing them again in 11 days!!

first time i saw them live it was back in the gooood old days of the Wapentake.
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Actually i am going to london but plan on visiting sheffied too. so its not entirely leppard related. i love def leppard. and to all the fans here, you rock!! i met leppard a few years ago and they were all very friendly and laid back.


thanks for answering back so quickly and so eagerly.

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No, there's no Def Leppard museum in Sheffield. In fact most of us are a bit embarrassed about such a terrible band being associated with our city. Mention Def Leppard in Sheffield and most people will try to pretend they're from Leeds. :hihi:

i think you're speaking for yourself there mate. i like def leppard and although i'm from rotherham i think it's great that they started up just down the road

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I'd love to meet him, but i'm shy, dunno if i could......


I met them when i was about 16, on the Hysteria tour. I was terrified and it's all a blur now !! Would love to meet them again, 20+ years down the line :)

he he! i wonder if verona's local is in sheff?

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but you'll need someone older than me to tell you the Sheffield live music circuit in the late 70s!


I seem to remember them being regulars at the Broadfield. I helped humped their gear at a City Hall gig, Magnum supported them & I thought they were much better. Joe Elliot was late for the sound check cos he'd been for a round of golf! Rock & roll eh?

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