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King street, s3 city centre

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Hi just started a new job at a shop on King Street near the Market.


The basement of the unit is very prison cell like with many reported incidents of paranormal occurrences. Only today I smelt toast burning yet no one was cooking etc.


Just wondered if any one new the history of this area.


Pm if you can help or mail@andywroe.com

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I know that this is the site of the original Sheffield Castle, and was redeveloped to look as it does now in the 1960's - There was alot of bomb damage in this area during the war, and there are shops in the area that claim ghosts from the war (people who died in the blitz)... If you go onto the sheffield photo archive you may find your workplace http://www.picturesheffield.com/cgi-bin/picturesheffield.pl , and be able to work back from there? Sheffield library is very good for research - I used it alot when I first moved to Sheff, as I like to know what was where in the past too!

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