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Tim po and Tin tin


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I loved the resturant, :love:tim po on london road, and was very upset when it closed, even more so when the owner of tin tin (where tim po used to be) told me that the the family has retired to china. :(

so i was VERY surpriced when I went for a take away at a new(ish) chinese take away in broomhill and saw the (tim po)family there!!

not only were they all perfectly healthy, they were also still making the crispy shredded beef i love so much!!


I was just wondering if tin tin has been telling anyone else this?

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I loved the resturant, :love:tim po on london road, and was very upset when it closed, even more so when the owner of tin tin (where tim po used to be) told me that the the family has retired to china. :(

so i was VERY surpriced when I went for a take away at a new(ish) chinese take away in broomhill and saw the (tim po)family there!!

not only were they all perfectly healthy, they were also still making the crispy shredded beef i love so much!!


I was just wondering if tin tin has been telling anyone else this?


Oh really! I remember coming back from Beijing and the first thing I did was go to Tim Po (the original site) for chili chicken soup!!! Whereabouts are they now in Broomhill? I shall have to have a look - nothing like their salt and pepper squid!!! I haven't tried the Tin Tin place since I heard that the original owners didn't have it anymore - I wasn't told that they had left the country though... It wouldn't suprise me if the new owners would tell everyone that they'd left the area though - I had this once with a hairdresser, when she left the salon they tried to tell her clients that she had left the industry - this wasn't true and when I found her again I just went to her new place!

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the new place is called lanturn house, by where sommerfield used to be.

ohh...you've got me wanting salt and pepper squid now!!!


I shall have to get myslef over - the salt and pepper squid is mint! Honestly mate, you will not be disappointed!!! Is it just a take out? Or do they have tables to eat in? Like their original restaurant that was on London Road, where Wild Rice (ugh!) is now?

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Noodle Inn does the best Salt and chilli squid.


Don't argue with me on this one.


(While we're on the squid topic, has anyone found a recipe for this. I can never seem to get it right).


I have given it a go, and I am normally good with cooking things, but nope - nothing like Kate at Tin Po :(

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! my parents own it!!

we have two little tables where you can sit, people have said that it's more cosy, like the little tim po was.

---lady star, thank you! i'll tell my dad! he'll be so chuffed!

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Noodle Inn does the best Salt and chilli squid.


Don't argue with me on this one.


(While we're on the squid topic, has anyone found a recipe for this. I can never seem to get it right).


I will argue with you on this one! The best salt and chilli squid I've ever eaten is at a little place called Good Luck Thai. It's tucked up an alley so is a little bit tricky to find, but you sit out on the street and can get big plates of squid for under £3. Shame the bugger is in LKF in Hong Kong though...


But yes, globally, Noodle Inn comes a close second.

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The new owners of Tin tin are from Birmingham. The old owners sold out because they ran it into the ground.


I know the landlord is my close friend.


On this point there is a new Noodle (Style Bar) opening up on Devonshire Street opposite Forum. The place i think is called Bangers and Mash at the moment.


Also East Ocean has sold out and are redecorating now.

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