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The Bradway


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Why is everyone so negative on here about this pub? People on Sheffield Forum seem to enjoy berating others and their business and celebrate when they fail!


If you want to see the Bradway good again and successfull, that is only going to happen if people support the pub and go in there and spend money on drinks (and food when they start the food service up).


What do you want to see from your local pub? Tell the manager so they can ensure they are giving people what they want?


Do you want a party pub with live music, discos and karaoke? Do you want a gastropub with restaurant quality food? A real ale & cider showcase pub with an ever changing range? A traditional community pub with something nice to drink, value for money food, friendly atmosphere, football on the telly, pub games teams, quiz etc? Tell them!


Remember there is also the Old Mother Redcap and Castle Inn in Bradway as well as bars in the golf and bowling clubs plus the two pubs on the Low Edges estate not far away so the Bradway doesn't really want to be duplicating what they do, does it?


It is my understanding that the Bradway has been reopened after a few months closed down because Enterprise Inns who owns the pub have employed a pub management company to get the pub trading again and turn it around until another tenant can be found to take the business on and that the current pub managers are employed by the management company. It cannot be an easy job to be parachuted in to run a failed pub and turn it around - although I imagine rewarding when successfull!

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The bradway, well what can you say,when all is said and done and everyone has had their moan or praise, it's a pub and all pubs are struggling at the moment.

It's not all to do with the managers and how they look, act,dress etc etc etc. the plain and simple truth is that we have been and still are in a recession and ordinary people just can't afford to go out on a regular basis with the price of drinks.


I' ve been in the trade myself and wouldn't touch another pub with a barge pole the way things are and i have a lot of friends that are still in pubs and can't wait to get out, there is just no living in it now like there used to be.


Who ever takes on a lease or tenancy now, deserves to be supported as it is very hard work but may stand to lose a lot of money and those who work for the holding companies should be praised for keeping the places open and trying to make it work, but there should also be some stricter rules laid down for that as well because from what i can see they don't get treated very well.


it's allright saying we will do what ever you want to get you back into your local,but that's not solving the issue of cost of drinks and food to people is it, i hope it goes well for all involved and the last managers, who i got to know quite well and are upset by some of the comments on this thread, they tried too but if the clientel isn't there all your effort is wasted, isn't it, that's one of the many reasons they left amongst others and yes left NOT sacked.


the only solution is keep the prices down and offer what others don't and don't expect miracles.... goodluck bradway lets hope it works out

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Id just like to say we have had a great weekend this weekend with the live vocalist Friday night and the fun day yesterday despite being let down by a few people, we still managed to be quite busy and everyone had a great day!


We would like everyones opinions and also ideas on what people would like from a local to help us try and get The Bradway a place where people want to go!


The chef we have coming in is a proper chef reggiek and we will see how it goes, but it would be nice to have support.


And thanx lynne222 I appreciate your comments hunni :)

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fair play bradwaysal, hope your new pub is good for you but if that's the biggest and best pub that your company owns well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god help the rest

anyway back to the bradway, is this "hog roast" gonna be another piece of pork on a grill or a real hog roast with a full pig, better ask the chef, if he is one...

no disrespect to the new managers but still cAN'T see it working wether they are local or not. we'll see, time will tell. and by the way who said you had got the boot, certainly not me, don't even know you let alone who you work for..

not refering to bradway and the chef from the dore and totley golf club did my last hog roast big success not a piece ov pork ona bar b q ok
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Why is everyone so negative on here about this pub? People on Sheffield Forum seem to enjoy berating others and their business and celebrate when they fail!

If you want to see the Bradway good again and successfull, that is only going to happen if people support the pub and go in there and spend money on drinks (and food when they start the food service up).


What do you want to see from your local pub? Tell the manager so they can ensure they are giving people what they want?


Do you want a party pub with live music, discos and karaoke? Do you want a gastropub with restaurant quality food? A real ale & cider showcase pub with an ever changing range? A traditional community pub with something nice to drink, value for money food, friendly atmosphere, football on the telly, pub games teams, q


Remember there is also the Old Mother Redcap and Castle Inn in Bradway as well as bars in the golf and bowling clubs plus the two pubs on the Low Edges estate not far away so the Bradway doesn't really want to be duplicating what they do, does it?


It is my understanding that the Bradway has been reopened after a few months closed down because Enterprise Inns who owns the pub have employed a pub management company to get the pub trading again and turn it around until another tenant can be found to take the business on and that the current pub managers are employed by the management company. It cannot be an easy job to be parachuted in to run a failed pub and turn it around - although I imagine rewarding when successfull!

thankyou andy c somebody talkin sence everything you have said is right sam and i did our best and yes we were not suited to the bradway not because were rough we are used to running successful busy fun pubs and have always dun well at the people dont realise we had no heatin at the bradway for weekd but still kfor pub managersept trying everything we could amiee and mark have never ran a pub before and learnt in 2 days what they could theyare tryin everything possible and im very proud of them we dont have attitudes i just get anoyed when people pull us down when they havnt got a clue how hard it is for pub managers good luck amiee and mark see u both soonxxxxxxx

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nice comment mate, unfortunately not everyone can take critisism, as you say, everyone wants to be the landlord/landlady's friend when they think they can get one over you,been there with mates seen it and done it...!!!. Bad attitude seems to be the "norm " these days and people get ****** with power over night when they take on the role of pub management so to say. the choice is there, you either take it and make the best of what you can do or you sit and wallow in it making out you're working so hard , when you're just on with the flow..

bradwaysal needs to move on and get the new place, where ever it my be, sorted before she gets moved on again, and the new management, although i wish them luck, ought to sit back and think "why am i really here??? , can i make a difference or am i just a wanna be landlord.."


well make your own mind up, read the threads and call in see what you think, don't take others word for it, you have your own brain, use it....!!!!!


u say u dont no me but u keep pullin us and that pub down well lets just say i do no who you are and for sayin your very local you shoukd be more supportive yourself shouldnt you i would rather talk face to face than on hear

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no luv, i don't know you, i met ya a couple of times when i called in for a quick pint. you seem to think everyone is out to get ya and i wos only making a comment, not pulling ya down and yeah iam local to that area but don't mean to say i can't have a say does it. i tend to go in the norton more these days as i live nearer that end. ok i agree pubs are hard work but that's the choice you made isn't it..??? if it's that bad get another job, simplessssss as they say. can't talk face to face unless i know where you are and as i work shifts could be difficult, but life's a bitch aint it

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to let you all know that The Bradway is doing pretty well at the moment and thanx to all who have supported us..


Upcoming events:

Saturday 29th May Back To School Disco/Fancy Dress


Sunday 30th May Family Fun Day with BBQ, Bouncy Castle, Raffle and Live Local



Saturday 5th June Disco/Karaoke With Martin


Also Quiz Night on Sundays with a gallon of beer for the winner and food served during quiz


Poker Night every Monday


So please all carry on with your support :)

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