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The Bradway


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Enterprise Inns have put a couple in as managers until someone takes the lease on. The pub is very basic at the moment but the management there have plans including food, live music and real ale, all of which are 'coming soon'.


They opened last Sunday and the heating didn't work, so I guess the priority at the moment is fixing things like that!


The managers have been in the trade for 22 years so they do have a bit of experience in turning closed pubs round, however they aren't local so need to know what people want round here.

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hello there yes the bradway is open again and slowly getting up and running again we had a few problems at the beginning with heating and water but from 4 feb all is well we have machines and a juke box and also nearly finished the dart board area on the 13 feb we have a fantastic male vocalist starting around 8.30 and also another great singer mark kay on the 20 feb we would also like to start a weekly pub quiz and karaoke nights food will also be starting after the kitchen has been redecorated myself and sam would also like to hear any ideas any ov our customers have and welcome all old and new customers many thanks sal and sam x

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Good Luck sal and sam hope you do well.


nice to see great couple trying to make a go of a local pub in this financial state, what do people expect when a pub has been shut for a few months!

having been in the trade myself i know how hard it is, customers don't realise the work you have to put in, they think that all you do is pull pints, if only!!..

let's give them a chance and not jump to easy conclusions, i've been in and the atmosphere although is quiet at the moment, only to be expected, is but welcoming and friendly, like a local should be.

if you are a pubbie lets help them out and get the place back on it's feet,

support your boozer and enjoy yourself,you will get back what you put in !!!

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The Bradway replaced an older pub called The Miners arms many years ago. It is situated on an old turnpike road to Holmesfield. Some buildings nearby date to the building of the Bradway Tunnel which passes close by, but underground. The village had scythe makers residing there in the past and as usual the hamlet was ruined by road widening.

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from what i can gather it's been closed for a good 6mths, feel sorry for the last landlord but these holding companies put people in without checking the backgrounds and expect miracles. good luck to sam and sal hope they do well, they deserve it ..


Don't know what you mean? I thought they were doin ok?

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the last occupants had to close the pub on Oct 4th 2009. The economic recession had really started to bite and concessions on beer prices and rent from the pubco was not forthcoming........thet preferred for it to be shut and then open later with tenants...who get concessions. That's the business model I am afraid. Just heard that the Fleur in Totley has also closed due to the same sorts of issues with Enterprise Inns. Very sad and hard on the people who work their socks off trying to make a go of it.

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