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All things Euro Election results thread.

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Yes, I saw that on BBC 2 - National Front. I become more and more ashamed of Britain


Not as ashamed as I am after 12 years of this bunch of feckless crooks in power now.

Britain is, and has long since been, a laughing stock abroad.


No wonder scrounging immigrants are queueing up in droves to get here - I bet they can hardly believe a place so daft exists.

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The way I see it is to let the BNP have their seats and have their say. If they do a poor job THEN you have a good reason to complain and throw them out of office next election time.


They'll be watched vigilantly for a slip up or mistake, you can guarantee that.

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If we go with PR as the Lib Dems would have us do then we must make voting compulsory. Anything else would just allow parties like the BNP to get real power.


It seems like you're in favour of manipulating the electoral process in whatever way would deliver your desired outcome, that's not democracy.


It would be better to address the failure to control immigration which leads people to vote BNP.

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Number of National Votes;


Conservatives - 4,012,600 - (28.6%) +1.2%

UK Independence Party - 2,440,438 - (17.4%) +0.5%

Labour - 2,151,907 - (15.3%) -7.0%

Liberal Democrats - 1,953,575 - (13.9%) -1.1%

Green Party - 1,223,303 - (8.7%) +2.5

British National Party - 916,424 - (6.5%) +1.4%


Current MEP Allocation - UK


Lab 11 | Con 24 | LDem 10 | UKIP 13 | BNP 2 | Green 2 | Other 1


Current MEP allocation - EU


EPP 263 | Socialists 184 | Liberal 83 | Green 50 | Left 35 | UEN 25 | No Group 72 | Ind/DEM 21




Breakdown of Y & H vote;



TURNOUT: 1,226,180

ELECTORATE: 3,792,415


Conservative - 299,802 - 24.5%

Labour - 230,009 - 18.8%

UK Independence Party - 213,750 - 17.4%

Liberal Democrats - 161,552 - 13.2%

British National Party - 120,139 - 9.8%

Green Party -104,456 - 8.5

English Democrat - 31,287 - 2.6%

Socialist Labour Party - 19,380 - 1.6%

Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance - 16,742 - 1.4%

No2EU - 15,614 - 1.3%

Jury Team - 7,181 - 0.6%

Libertas - 6,268 - 0.5%


MEPs returned from Yorkshire and Humber


Lab 1 | Con 2 | LDem 1 | UKIP 1 | BNP 1


Sheffield Votes breakdown;


Labour - 29143 - 23.16%

Lib Dems - 24312 - 19.32%

UKIP 18111 - 14.39%

Tories 17495 - 13.90%

Green Party - 14390 - 11.43%

BNP - 12607 - 10.02%

English Democrats - 2483 - 1.97%

Socialist Labour - 2425 - 1.93%

Christian Party - 1936 - 1.54%

No2EU - 1517 - 1.21%

Jury Team - 753 - 0.60%

Libetas - 684 - 0.54%


Total votes - 125,856.


Just to put a sober perspective on these figures.


It should be remembered that the -7% in the Labour vote is 7% of the total votes cast


A reduction from 22.3% to 15.3% is actually a reduction of 31.3% in the Labour vote.


1 person in 3 who voted for them last time didn't vote for them this time. That says it all.

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It seems like you're in favour of manipulating the electoral process in whatever way would deliver your desired outcome, that's not democracy.


It would be better to address the failure to control immigration which leads people to vote BNP.


I'm not sure how you read that into what I wrote. If we have PR then it requires compulsory voting to ensure that the electoral process isn't manipulated. The BNP didn't win those MEP seats because people voted for them, they won them because other people didn't bother to vote at all. PR without compulsory voting just leads to a system where parties that have practically no support in the nation are given power far beyond what they should receive in a democracy.


But to be honest I wouldn't have PR at all. It's a system where minor parties are always given power above what they should receive by their vote share because they inevitably form coalitions with major parties who often need their support to form majority governments and that support comes with a price. There's nothing proportional about it, small parties get to decide whether a government is formed or collapses regardless of their own share of the vote.

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That would be the current Labour Government then.


If you say so. They were elected for a 5 year term with a larger proportion of the vote than any of the other parties got. If they don't have that support any more they'll get voted out next year.

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