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And again, you (deliberately?) misconstrue. The BNP does contain racists - everyone claims that.


I wonder if anyone has opened up their eyes and considered that there are some in the BNP and those who have voted BNP who aren't racist?


Or are we just going on the old stereotype, like Tories are all snobs with big country houses and posh jobs.

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No. You make an unwarranted smear yet again. I'm talking about those who stifle the debate with smears. Everyone left of the BNP (which is just about everyone) challenges the BNPs policies, including me.


Smear? Who am I smearing and where have I made unwarranted smears previously?


You're quite welcome to question my use of the term 'hand-wringing Lefties' if that's really what you want to talk about.


I wasn't even questioning that, nor making any political statement one way or another.


You criticised one group of people for labelling others, whilst using a label to describe them, that is all I was pointing out.

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I wonder if anyone has opened up their eyes and considered that there are some in the BNP and those who have voted BNP who aren't racist?


..perhaps some BNP voters are unaware they have this in their constitution, and the critics that do know that, will assume that people who support the BNP endorse this policy?


(b) The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic

character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial

integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed

to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by

legal changes, negotiation and consent, the overwhelmingly white makeup of the

British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948.

Or are we just going on the old stereotype, like Tories are all snobs with big country houses and posh jobs.


I've yet to see in any Tory policy document where they say they champion 'snobs with posh jobs and big country houses'.

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left wing hand-wringers


I think you're arguing with a straw man. I'm not sure who this massive elite of 'left wing hand-wringers' are, or why they are causing you such consternation if they are so irrelevant.


It seems to simply be anyone who might dare to have a hint of optimism or faith in humanity buried anywhere within their entire worldview.

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I wonder if anyone has opened up their eyes and considered that there are some in the BNP and those who have voted BNP who aren't racist?


Or are we just going on the old stereotype, like Tories are all snobs with big country houses and posh jobs.



Could you give a reason, not concerning race, why anyone would vote BNP?

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Not sure about the hand-wringing, but surely eveyone, with the possible exception of the KKK, is to the left of the BNP?
I believe Ghengis Kahn, more recently Saddam or Kim Jong-Il, would stand to the right of the BNP. By some distance ;)

Could you give a reason, not concerning race, why anyone would vote BNP?
I can't, for the life of me.


But I could offer some symptoms, or traits, I suppose: for the same reasons 'they' want 'British Jobs for British Workers', believe illegal immigrants and EU migrant workers reap untold rights and riches in benefits, and believe Brussels eurocrats are worse than Westminster britocrats.


So, it's not 'race' as such. More common-or-garden 'xenophobia'.

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I wonder if anyone has opened up their eyes and considered that there are some in the BNP and those who have voted BNP who aren't racist?


Or are we just going on the old stereotype, like Tories are all snobs with big country houses and posh jobs.


I'm sure there are. However the fact that the organisation they voted for clearly states it's racist aims merely means they are thick and that shouldnt be used as an excuse for them. You vote for a racist group means you are supporting racism, regardless of how you cut it and if you dont like that label then the option is simple - you dont have to vote for them....

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You are getting mullered in the court of public opinion. Soon there will be just a little group of left wing hand-wringers who managed to completely marginalise themselves from the debate the rest of us will some day have to have.


..just to add, I've never voted for Labour or any party to the left of them, and I only wring my hands when I'm happy :D

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