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All things Euro Election results thread.

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What rubbish,people have voted for them because we are sick of the coruption of the main parties and its time they got booted out,mark my words this is only the beginning.The BNP will grow and grow.



Josh am I on your ignore list or something? Can you see me! Answer my question please.



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As a Yorkshireman and a patriot, I am utterly ashamed, embarrassed and appalled that we now have a neo-fascist MEP representing the BNP.


Ken Riley, a good honest Sheffielder, Normandy Veteran – Tank Division, wrote last week:

Sixty-five years isn't a long time ago to me, it often feels like yesterday.


I was in a tank division on D-Day 1944. It was a long, long day for us all - and the horrible, lonely sacrifices made that day by men scared yet brave is something I think about every day.


These European Elections are personal to me. Some of the lads who went on D-Day and who never came back were barely old enough to vote. If they had made it through the fight against fascism, they would be voting now, voting to stop the BNP for the same reasons they fought in 1944.


It is a source of great pride that the slog and sacrifice of my generation freed Europe from the tyranny of Hitler's Nazis. The sadness brought by the price we paid is overshadowed by the happiness that we made the modern Britain we have today possible. Our nation has so much to be proud of - but the BNP want to drag Britain down. They would drag us back to what I remember Churchill calling "a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime".


I was barely into my twenties on D-Day 1944. We didn't fight then just to allow the Nazis a route back 65 years later.


Recently, on a business trip in N Italy, I saw the press photographs of the BNP Deputy Leader being greeted by fascist salutes as he went to speak at a meeting organised by Forza Nuova.


I caught a train in Bologna – the station at which 2 members of that organisation had exploded bombs killing 85 people – including 2 British visitors – and wounded 200 more. That was the most destructive single terrorist attack in Europe since the 2nd World War.


I’m very afraid for the future of our country.


It’s time for all decent people to stand up and shout ‘Not in my name.’

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What rubbish,

screw you

people have voted for them because we are sick of the corruption of the main parties and its time they got booted out,mark my words this is only the beginning.The BNP will grow and grow.


They are still a racist party, their elected MEP is a former chairman of the national front and a member of the British Nazi movement, and they do not accept non-whites as members.


I did not make any comment about why people voted, so your trembling ejaculation is not only unwelcome, but totally irrelevant as well.

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Now we hope the BNP can get Griffin elected,lol this is bloody great isnt it,been watching the BBC and they look like they are about to burst into tears.:hihi:


One MEP can do bugger all without being able to operate in groups within Brussels. Nobody in Brussels will want to work with him, so he's going to be billy no mates over there. Great revolution. Nothing will change. Live with it.


Very well put Localman.

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What rubbish,people have voted for them because we are sick of the coruption of the main parties and its time they got booted out,mark my words this is only the beginning.The BNP will grow and grow.



The number of people who voted for the BNP was less this time than last time. The only reason they got an MEP is because 100,000 Labour voters didn't bother to vote.

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Josh am I on your ignore list or something? Can you see me! Answer my question please.




Not at all,your question about the blades footballers is simply not relevant,the policy is NOT to forcefully remove anyone who is here legaly,our full backs wont be going anywhere.:thumbsup:

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