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Bars to avoid in Sheffield please

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why would you avoid west st live? Do you not like free live music in a chav free environment?


not too keen on the owner's/manager's attitude branding people as chavs and trouble makers.


you'd probably call one of my best mates a chav but he's the soundest person you could meet. never causes trouble at all, appearances can often be deceptive and tarring people with 1 brush is disgraceful IMO.

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not too keen on the owner's/manager's attitude branding people as chavs and trouble makers.


you'd probably call one of my best mates a chav but he's the soundest person you could meet. never causes trouble at all, appearances can often be deceptive and tarring people with 1 brush is disgraceful IMO.


I'm loving these forums.:thumbsup:

Everyone is moaning about something. Why not chill and just have some fun.:love:

Why not try Malin Bridge for a change?

What nights do you have live music on dudes?:cool:

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not too keen on the owner's/manager's attitude branding people as chavs and trouble makers.


you'd probably call one of my best mates a chav but he's the soundest person you could meet. never causes trouble at all, appearances can often be deceptive and tarring people with 1 brush is disgraceful IMO.


now who's being prejudiced and presuming the worst?


when did I say they were chavs based on their appearance/attire?


they were acting very loud, aggressive and loutish as they were walking down the street thus it was their behaviour that led me to view them as chavs not their appearance.


If somebody is a peaceful soul then it doesn't matter how they dress they are not a chav or a yob. I have friends from all backgrounds that dress in a variety of different ways and none of them are aggressive. Nor do we have aggressive customers in our pub.

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Shame that a thread has to be about the negative aspect of bars/pubs; One Good News story in relation to this, for the Gay Scene, is that the SANCTUARY, which did have a 'reputation' in relation to the attitude of its former manager, has recently reopened under an entirely new manager who is about the nicest chap you could ever meet.

In spite of the previous manager having stripped the place of its previous decent furniture, Mark, the new manager, has made an excellent job of reopening the venue, and Sanctuary have a new FOOD MENU to die for, including BREAKFASTS (So head down there on SATURDAY 20 JUNE before Pride), and '£2.99 specials' snacks.


Hear hear Tyranna Sanctuary is a great reopened pub rising from the ashes of what the old owner left behind !

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Yep, pretty much anywhere on or around West Street.


although I think bia hoi and rise @ the hallamshire are exceptions to this.... if I were going through town I would prob do on some route;


Hallamshire/Bia Hoi for evening food/drink


Green Room


Old House

Dev Cat



then on to




depends what floats your boat though

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What do people think of the forum pub?


Love it during the day.

However last time I went there on a night out with a big group, of probably 10 boys and 4/5 girls, none of the boys were let in - only the girls. The bouncers turned really nasty with the lads, threatening them and such - really put a downer on the evening and totally put me off going again.

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