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ES feat. Nic Fanciulli & Reset Robot - Sat 13th June @ 02 Academy


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I'm not saying I'm the perfect promoter, I've only dabbled myself but I'd say it qualifies me to comment. I'm also not wishing to patronise but from your comments it appears that you've never done any promoting yourself. If I'm wrong, then I'm sorry.


This is only a debate, and a decent one at that (although it's been had many times before). There's no need to get touchy.


And my point was, you indicated that there is a lack of info in Sheffield and that this was down to poor promotions. I added that promoting in Sheffield is difficult due to rules and regulations, not because people can't be bothered.


Fair enough, that may have been a little harsh but just because I haven't done something doesn't mean I'm less qualified to comment on it. I have an opinion and it's as relevant coming from a customer than as a promoter.


I never indicated that the lack of info was anything to do with promoters, I just mentioned it was there which is something we all agree on.

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From a promoters point of view you opinion is the most valid. I need to know what is stopping your friends from coming to my nights.


I need to know what the bouncers do, that puts you off coming to the club. I need to know whether you think there is enough relevant information made available, in an adequate amount of time.


Otherwise these smaller udnerground nights will start to fail and join the long list of other sheffield nights...

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Posters of that size cost a lot of money. Small underground nights such as the ones in discussion do not really have resources to pay 250+ on promotion.


And the large billboards in and around Sheffield city centre where nights do display what’s going on are apparently owned by ****'s, and again, you have to pay to use them...


And yes you do have to have a license now to hand out flyers and its 80quid...


I understand your point where its unfair of promoters to made some ****ty posters and stick a few up down West Strreet then complain that there is no scene is Sheffield and blame their failure on punters (or lack of)... But that isn't the case the majority of the time.



Yes, at Fragment we have had a lot of Leeds and Manchester based djs, other djs that have made a name for themselves in the city they reside in and therefore have gained decent reputations. Also, djs that will give a good set, good tunes and are affordable.


But, even us as promoters have grown tired of booking residents from other nights, we want to give Sheffield more than that, so after our summer hiatus you can expect to see some bigger named djs coming to play.


I know that nights don't have the money and that is the problem I said before, if you look at other cities the clubs help to finance the nights.


Personally I have no problem with you booking the DJ's you've booked and I come along to support that. I'm simply telling you the attitude of some of my friends and I'm sure Fragment will do very well if it continues to book good acts.

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From a promoters point of view you opinion is the most valid. I need to know what is stopping your friends from coming to my nights.


I need to know what the bouncers do, that puts you off coming to the club. I need to know whether you think there is enough relevant information made available, in an adequate amount of time.


Otherwise these smaller udnerground nights will start to fail and join the long list of other sheffield nights...


In my experience, people will come to Fragment if the DJ is good as they know it'll be a good party, however if they can see the Louche or Mono_Cult residents for only a few quid extra and with a guest of the calibre they can demand then the chances are they'll go to Mint. I know that you are restricted due to being in Sheffield and I urge people to support the local scene, which they do, much of the time.


In terms of DQ, the bouncers are a bit dodgy in my experience, I know they're looking for drug users in the toilets but I've seen them looking over at me when I'm in the cubicle for a p*** and I don't even know if thats legal! If the DJ's are good enough I'll still come along though, obviously.


It would be very easy for me to just shut up and go out in Leeds every week but I'd like to see a decent scene back in Sheffield and I think nights like Fragment, Cargo and Diasha can provide that.

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Right, that’s good to hear. I totally understand what your saying about having mono_cult residents playing here, when you can go to Leeds, pay a bit more and see a headliner in a better club...


As I stated though we have some much better guests after the summer, and things at DQ are going to be sorted out during the hiatus e.g. sound system, decor etc... I'll ensure I have a word with the management about the bouncers as well, as I too am pretty sure it is illegal to snatch a butch at you having a jimmy...


But I do have to stress that at the end of the day, whether the scene in Sheffield is dead or not, its always going to be the support of the locals which will get nights up and running and better established. If everyone took your view of wanting to support local nights then we would probably have a nightlife as striving as the surrounding cities...


I think people are too quick to look at what Sheffield used to have and diminish what Sheffield currently has…the scene is just in a new state of growth and I hope it continues…

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Right, that’s good to hear. I totally understand what your saying about having mono_cult residents playing here, when you can go to Leeds, pay a bit more and see a headliner in a better club...


As I stated though we have some much better guests after the summer, and things at DQ are going to be sorted out during the hiatus e.g. sound system, decor etc... I'll ensure I have a word with the management about the bouncers as well, as I too am pretty sure it is illegal to snatch a butch at you having a jimmy...


But I do have to stress that at the end of the day, whether the scene in Sheffield is dead or not, its always going to be the support of the locals which will get nights up and running and better established. If everyone took your view of wanting to support local nights then we would probably have a nightlife as striving as the surrounding cities...


I think people are too quick to look at what Sheffield used to have and diminish what Sheffield currently has…the scene is just in a new state of growth and I hope it continues…


Couldn't agree more with all of that. I'm gonna try to make it down on saturday as its good to see the Diasha and Cargo Residents down. If thats not a way to support the local scene I don't know what is.

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Regarding promotion. Do you know how hard it is to promote a night in Sheffield? Flyposting is illegal and there are very few places to my knowledge provided where you can post legally. Also, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but you now have to hold a license (which costs money) to hand out flyers.
To be fair Leeds has exactly the same restrictions but they do better than sheffield. So the question has to be whats the difference between Sheff and Leeds
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Money... Nights in Leeds have a much larger expenditure.


Doesn't always work though, Magicbag was dead and they had 3 rooms of very expensive DJs! Must have lost a fortune that night, I dread to think how much they shelled out, but that said they'll make it all back at the next Wax: on.

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