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Because if you speed at 36mph instead of the legal 30mph you are more likely to have a more serious road accident, however it is caused, than you would have had if you had been driving at the legal speed. The speed limit shown on the sign is the absolute maximum speed that you are legally allowed to travel at in perfect road conditions with good daytime visibilty. Good ,safe,drivers would keep well within that limit at any time, say 27mph, and reduce their speed accordingly if road conditions weren't perfect.


Happy now? :huh:


Oh, shouting now!


So, I am driving 'safely' in a 40 zone and I enter a 30 zone (same road, same road conditions, houses, no school etc.,) and I am 'slowing' to 30 with a car very close behind me, so rather than slam on my brakes and risk causing an accident which, at greater than 30 mph would be statistically more likely to be fatal, I do not slow in time for a mobile speed camera van to 'catch' me breaking the law.


In your mind, my 'speeding' is the most hienous act I committed, yes?




Next time, I'll religiously observe the speed limit and not give any attention to any driver behind me, how close they are or whether they are paying attention to my sudden drop in speed. And if they rear-end my car, I'll get out, stride up to their vehicle and confidently say 'well, if you hadn't been speeding...'


Life, sadly, is not 'black and white' - sure, doing 36 in a 30 is breaking the law. So, techinically, is doing 31 (or do you have a tolerance factor).


What irritates me is that I can drive along a stretch of road that has, for no obvious reason, varied speed limits, and for part of the journey I am a safe driver, yet for a few hundred yards, without increasing my speed (actually decreasing my speed) I can transform in to a dangerous speedophile.


By the way, the fact that the term has been around a long time and everyone uses it, doesn't dillute it's offensive nature.


You have your opinion of me, fine.


In my mind, doign 36 mph in a 30 zone constitutes dangerous driving only in the eyes of the law to me, and many sensible people, it does not constitute a 'dangerous' driver.


To be included in a group of people who drive a twice the speed limit, who overtake on blind bends, who undertake, who drive aggressively behind other drivers, who drink and drivem who drive under the influence of drugs, who driver whilst using a mobile phone, who I have witnessed over the years do the most insane and senseless things - to be included in a that group I reject 100%.


There again, I suppose, for you, you break the law, you are a low-life scumbag.


Black and white. True or false.


Ignore the grey, it just gets in the way, eh?

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Not shouting at all Jeremy.


But please, this time, answer my question -


How would you feel if one of your family, your wife or one of your kids, were killed by a speeding driver? A driver who was driving at 36 miles per hour on a 30mph road. A driver who could have driven more slowly and consequently more safely but didn't because he didn't feel that he had to?

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Calm down, calm down!!


I was brought up in the wonderful North Yorkshire Moors ( that’s moowers, not mors), passed my driving test at 17, all credit to my family for that, and ‘learned to drive’ by racing my mate ( me in my mums mini van and he in his dads range rover ) along the (then) isolated single track country roads.

Or simply out on my own loving the speed rush.


This is how you learn to drive, as it teaches total awareness of surroundings and possible hazards. Observation.


I have never lost the love of speed driving, (this is NOT immature! ) though I hasten to add that I now drive my dads old corsa b, 1.2 ltr. If you rev it high enough it can move!!


Speed restrictions are there for the general driving populous who sit in their tin transport boxes intent on their destination and unaware of their surroundings. They shouldn’t need to be there. When I drive in built up areas or down side streets I drive at a speed which allows me to be prepared for any event. Observation.


As a driver and a pedestrian I am very aware of how moronic people can be behind the wheel. I used to think that drivers are generally inconsiderate w*****s, but of late I realise that they (you?) don’t even SEE you when you are trying to cross the road with your child. Speaking of which, it is mainly MEN that do stop and wave you across. Hmmm.


And PLEASE indicate when at a roundabout/junction/whatever, pedestrians need to know your intent as well you know!!!



I went for a drive the other day…ahhh, Derbyshire, the open road.

B****cks! Going from Hathersage to Grindleford . . .50mph limit.


Out of Grindleford. . .30mph


Froggatt (sp?) Edge . . same. Still, the road to Abney and gliding club was great!!


WHY? I’m utterly sick of these rural limits, no footpath, no pedestrians, nothing. Putting a speed limit on a road to ‘reduce fatalities’ seems as stupid to me as arresting someone for trying to commit suicide. If the ONLY life you are putting at risk is your own, so what? “ 5 people have died here in the last 5 years” . . and ?


Learn to drive. Observation.


And get out of the middle lane you morons. What, are lanes like classes? Inner, working…middle, middle….outer, upper? Euww, I’m not driving in the working class lane.

I think there should be a law allowing the police to arrest middle lane crawlers, they are responsible for nearly ALL the hold-ups on motorways, and they really p**s me off.


And try the accelerator at traffic lights


And don’t let rain slow you to 15mph, you really aint gonna aquaplane, honest.


Moronic driving is responsible for a great deal of congestion. OBSER f*****g VATION!!


Oh, and CONSIDER f*****g ATION!!


And just to rile you ‘you must comply’ types;


I got stopped a few years ago doing 120mph on my bike (motor, obviously).


The policeman was great. He had friends in the force that were bikers and said that I was clocked as doing 90mph so he would leave it at that despite catching me at 120.


I got a £60 fine and three points, the same as doing 30 plus in a 30 area.



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Because if you speed at 36mph instead of the legal 30mph you are more likely to have a more serious road accident
Such a narrow minded view of the world
, however it is caused, than you would have had if you had been driving at the legal speed.
English please
The speed limit shown on the sign is the absolute maximum speed that you are legally allowed to travel at in perfect road conditions with good daytime visibilty. Good ,safe,drivers would keep well within that limit at any time, say 27mph, and reduce their speed accordingly if road conditions weren't perfect.


Happy now? :huh:

Safe drivers do a lot more than staring at their speedoes to keep within the legal speed limit. Good drivers trust their instincts and adapt their driving to the situation.
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