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Where did I say that I did? I've found however people that have had accidents at that speed sign for that precise reason, and carrying out an emergency stop for no good reason is actually an offence.


Yes people drive too close maybe, but having a pointless, expensive sign that simply makes matter worse is not the way. There is a speed limit - stay under it - it's not difficult to match the speed to that dial thingy is it. If you get it wrong then expect to get fined off the road -it's hardly rocket science.

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I think that it is pretty obvious to most people that the faster vehicles are travelling at the time of a road accident the more likely accident victims will die or be seriously injured. There has been so much publicity stating this fact that there is no excuse whatsoever for anyone to not know it.

Drivers who speed need dealing with more severely, heavier fines, more endorsements and more driving disqualifications. Everyone knows that flashing speed warning lights are just ignored by a lot of drivers because they know that they can get away with speeding past them. With speed safety cameras this doesn't happen, the offending driver quite rightly gets caught out and punished.

Tailgating, which some suicidal drivers delight in doing so much, is dangerous driving. It distracts the driver in fronts attention and could easily cause an accident.

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Found this link on another forum




Your views?


I could do with some of these volunteers on my road, on occasions, but fear there will be nothing other than a "mind your own ..." backlash.

I should imagine it would work best in a small town or village but wouldn't go down too well in our City, full as it is of excellent, observant drivers who, when they do go over the limit, it is because they know no harm will come of it.

I am also a little uneasy about the spirit of vigilante-ism it might encourage and, no doubt, the anti nosey-parker, anti do-gooder brigade will be on here soon to underline what a warm response such a band of volunteers could expect to receive roadside.

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I think that it is pretty obvious to most people that the faster vehicles are travelling at the time of a road accident the more likely accident victims will die or be seriously injured. There has been so much publicity stating this fact that there is no excuse whatsoever for anyone to not know it.

Drivers who speed need dealing with more severely, heavier fines, more endorsements and more driving disqualifications.


Why not focus on overall driver safety rather than issue fines based on theoretical infringements of limits which may be excessively low for the road and/or conditions.


See, I think this is what it boils down to. Most 'speeders' are simply people who drive according to the condtions. Some speeders might be far safer than certain others who never speed

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Why not focus on overall driver safety rather than issue fines based on theoretical infringements of limits which may be excessively low for the road and/or conditions.

See, I think this is what it boils down to. Most 'speeders' are simply people who drive according to the condtions. Some speeders might be far safer than certain others who never speed


Drivers, passengers and other road users would be far safer if only the 'speedophiles' would start using their brains instead of their accelerators.

Speeding drivers are not safe drivers - they are a danger to themselves and everyone else.

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Drivers, passengers and other road users would be far safer if only the 'speedophiles' would start using their brains instead of their accelerators.

Speeding drivers are not safe drivers - they are a danger to themselves and everyone else.


Do you think that where and when they speed has any relevance or is it just all instances of speeding?

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Perhaps they should be trying to get people enthused to do something about the issues that actually affect their community. Rather than using them as free help to tackle a perceived problem that should solely be that of the law enforcement agencies and arguably should be way down those agencies' list of priorities.

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Drivers, passengers and other road users would be far safer if only the 'speedophiles' would start using their brains instead of their accelerators.

Speeding drivers are not safe drivers - they are a danger to themselves and everyone else.


The problem with your sweeping statement is that you don;t really 'define' what a speeding driver is.


Driving at 36mph in a 30mph zone is breaking the law, but is it dangerous?


I have driven, due to my occupations over the years, the equivalent of around 70 years worth of driving (at an average of 12,000 miles per annum).


I have had 9 points on my licence in total over tha last 10 years - the most at one time being six points (34 in a 30 and 36 in a 30). I was sent a notice for driving 35 in a 30 zone, but having contested it, the notice was over turned.


I have had 3 accidents in all that time, not one was as a result of speeding or excessive speed. One was due to poor visibility and a dangerous road junction. The second was slipping on frost/ice whilst turning a 90 degree bend in second gear. The third accident was down to a faulty brake.


There but for the grace of God and all that. I've been lucky, I guess. Or maybe, despite being a 'speeding driver' I am not a dangerous driver, except in your book.

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Speeding at 36mph in a 30mph zone would mean that if you hit someone at your excessive speed you would more than likely kill them. By speeding you are endangering the lives of others and therefore are driving dangerously.

Speed limits are there for a reason ie: road hazards like bends or junctions and for when caution is needed such as near built up areas, schools or where there is no pedestrian footpath etc. etc.

You say that you drive around 12,000 miles per year. If you are speeding most of this time you should consider yourself very lucky not to have had an accident caused by, or made worse, through your bad driving.

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