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There are never any right circumstances for breaking the law by speeding. Thats like saying that there are right circumstances for commiting burglary.


Speeding is a crime - burglary is a crime.


Police officers rushing to the scene of a crime, 'breaking' the speed limit to get there quickly.


Never any right circumstances?



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Not whilst the general public are using them.


I seem to remember a while back during a rally held in Wales the police stopping some of the drivers and issuing speeding tickets 'during the race' because they were speeding on a public road.


I might be wrong, but I'm sure I heard something like this.


Rally drivers, ay? Dangerous, wreckless paedophiles, sorry 'speedophiles'!!!

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I love this thread Alco. I could go on and on for ages. I love being right all the time. Keep those posts coming in please lads. :)


You are very self congratulatory. Do you chant a mantra in the mirror each morning?


I am great! I am right! I am above all people! I am a god!

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1.5 miles seems a very long distance to be able to see properly. So if some vehicle coming the other way crashes through the central barrier - heading straight at you - would you stand more chance of avoiding it at 70mph or 120mph?

Mr B should drive more slowly/safely before he gets done.


So what exactly is your point?


Many motoryway barriers have been designed to prevent vehicles from 'crashing through'. A great deal of money has been spent on the design of barriers to ensure, wherever possible, that vehicles do not trangress other carriageways.


But I guess you're right because you say it and think it.

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"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers."


Dave Barry


Unfortunately (for you Dave Barry) is that driving records per person illustrate that to be either fact or fiction.


Having driven the equivalent of 70 years of average mileage, I have had 3 speeding offences in that time - all for exeeding in a 30 mph zone (and all less than 40 mph).


I have had three accidents in that time - none of which were as a result of 'speeding'.


1. Having stopped at a crossroads, I drove across when I believed the road was clear and was hit by a car from the left. Only just in second gear.


2. Slipped on frost on the road whilst turning around a 90 degree corner. Again, only just in second gear.


3. (Which, chronologically, should be first) was a week after I had passed my test (first time). Car rolled 10 feet or so in to the back of another car on Putney Bridge - forgot to put the handbrake on.


Not bad for a dangerous, wreckless driver, eh?


Maybe I pay more attention now to other things than just my speed.

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Jeremy - give up mate.. anus and ralgex are morons! They don't know what they're talking about ! I think the "Priory" has turned the computers off for the night anyway and everyone will be safely tucked up in bed now with their Mogadon and strait jackets! :hihi:

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And the average driver often overestimates the car's ability to stop in that he/she:


overstates the power of ABS technology and has not been trained to use it;

does not know what the tread on a tyre does;

does not know the HC figures in the first place and when told what they has no idea where 12, 23, ..., 73, 96 metres or whatever is;

does not link the fact that the majority of crashes take place in urban areas at the lower end of the speed limit range - any advantage gained from more effective brakes may only be marginal and this gain may also be lost because of a slower reaction (we are no quicker at braking than we used to be) because we are on the phone or just busy doing other pressing things whilst we drive;

ignores the fact that any advantage from the (laboratory guide) data given in the HC can also be lost when faced with non-standard road surface conditions (Sheffield's roads are hardly smooth), weather, leaves, gradient etc etc.


Yes, the average driver does all those things.


But some are not so 'average'.


Some have driven 50,000 miles + per year for 15 or so years.


Some do know what constitutes good and bad driving.


Then there are some that have a brush, some tar liberally apply it without consideration for any other factors.


Sad really, but they think they're right, so let them have that minor victory.


Far be it from me to deny them that to give credence to their existence.

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Jeremy - give up mate.. anus and ralgex are morons! They don't know what they're talking about ! I think the "Priory" has turned the computers off for the night anyway and everyone will be safely tucked up in bed now with their Mogadon and strait jackets! :hihi:


I was going to leave it. I really was. Xranus is so entrenched that he cannot possibly accept he may be too emotionally retentive to be rational and sensible - to admit that his stance of '31 mph in a 30 zone denotes a driver as wreckless and dangerous' is pretty stupid, really.


Funny thing is, I don't disagree with his stance in a broader sense - excessive speed is senseless, when other conditions contribute.


I dispute his belief that any speed beyond the speed limit means the driver is a wreckless, dangerous and doesn't give a damn about other road users or pedestrians.


I used to suffer the same stupid argument about smokers (when I used to smoke).


'You're going to kill me with your smoking'


Well, when you go home don't breath in the crap that spews from cars and vans. And if you live near a factory of any kind, hold your breath or the fumes might make you queasy!!!

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I think we can put all this garbage to bed now. It's patently obvious that Mr Anus is talking cr@p as a wind up closely followed by mr Ralge. Nice try - no cigar! :hihi::loopy:



Not garbage at all Al. You want to end this, because you know that you are wrong and can't think of anything to say. Not that you have contributed anything of any intelligence anyway - but there you go. :)

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