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Lol..in all your excitment you've missed my point


Read the last line


I didn't miss it - I ignored it as it wasn't the issue in question.


You claimed my driving record was poor, yet your calculations and your results proved otherwise.


1 incident every 11 years 6 months.


You further conclude that not speeding = better driver.


Does it? Really?


Is that the only factor?


Well, I suppose I must have been not speeding most of the time I've been on the road.


It must be lovely living such a black and white world. Shame that only exists in one place.

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I didn't miss it - I ignored it as it wasn't the issue in question.


You claimed my driving record was poor, yet your calculations and your results proved otherwise.


1 incident every 11 years 6 months.


You further conclude that not speeding = better driver.


Does it? Really?


Is that the only factor?


Well, I suppose I must have been not speeding most of the time I've been on the road.


It must be lovely living such a black and white world. Shame that only exists in one place.


I said average at best


Theory was simplistic............. cut out the speeding = less incidents over miles covered


Never said it was the only factor, you're living proof of that.

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I said average at best


Theory was simplistic............. cut out the speeding = less incidents over miles covered


Never said it was the only factor, you're living proof of that.


Fair enough, let's do the math on my entire driving history and not the last 15 yrs.


Held a licence and driven for 25 years. Say first 10 years I did ave mileage (@12,000 mpa = 120,000).


Last fifteen years I have averaged 55,000 per annum, 825,000.


So, in terms of 'years, the figures combine to 78.75 years worth of driving.


Now, taking out any incidents that were not as a result of speeding, that's the three accidents I've had.


One of the speeding offences occurred within the first year of getting my licence - I was an 18/19 year old bloke, I can be forgiven for getting done at 39 mph in a 30 zone at such a tender age. We've all done it, some get caught, others don't.


Let's do one calculation with ALL 3 speeding offences and one with two.


If 3 incidents taken in to account that equates to 3 in 825,000 miles of driving or 3 in 78.75 years or 1 incident every 26.25 years of driving mileage.


If we 'give' me the youthful impetuosity, then that is 2 incidents in 825,000 miles or 2 in 78.75 years or 1 incident every 39.375 years of mileage driving.


You base your entire opinion of my driving ability (or lack of, in your mind) on three minor accidents (none of which were connected to excessive speed) and three speeding offences, all of which were for exeeding the 30 mph speed limit by between 4, 6 and 9 mph.


And you now concede that, rather than being 'bad' I am now 'average'.


So, it is considered 'average' to have an incident every 39.375 years worth of mileage driving?


Wow, your partner must be perfect or very tolerant.


'Sorry love, but the tea is got to be a 98 degrees precisely or the cuppa is only average'.


Or, 'Dad, I won the sports day'


'Yes, but your performance was only average at best'.


In truth, the above calculations are for the benefit of others who might be reading this thread. I am sure there will be many who will see your stance as, well, ridiculous and they will draw their own conclusions about you.


Personally, I believe my driving record stands up to scrutiny (by an open-minded, fair and sensible person) very favourably.


Unless I had a completely unblemished record, I doubt I would be considered as anything other than 'average' or 'dangerous' by you.


To be honest, I really don't care anymore.

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I think we can put all this garbage to bed now. It's patently obvious that Mr Anus is talking cr@p as a wind up closely followed by mr Ralge. Nice try - no cigar! :hihi::loopy:


Would you like to expand on which bit from me was intended as a wind-up?

Or crap?

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