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I'm not prepared to give out too much information on here but lets just say that my qualifications, experience and professional career are more than enough to justify any comments that I make about road safety. In other words I know what I am talking about, whilst others on here do not and have very little interest in road safety as it interferes with their pathetic lust for speed.

Unfortunately, until they get disqualified and banned off our roads, which hopefully they will be if they keep on speeding, these people are risking their and, more importantly, other peoples lives by their ignorance and lack of road/common sense.

These 'speedophiles' are beyond any education in road safety, are a law unto themselves, have little regard for the highway code and are nothing but a menace to our society.


So you don't actually drive then.

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A 'speedophile' is driver who speeds to satisfy his own lust for speeding, regardless of road safety, road restriction signs, the law, other drivers and other road users. He thinks that he is a good driver (which he obviously isn't or he wouldn't be speeding in the first place), thinks that he is a better driver than anyone else and so in his warped mind thinks he is entitled to drive faster than them and thinks that road accidents only happen to other people! He is also the first one to start crying and blaming everyone and everything else to anyone who will listen when he gets caught by a speed camera or by the police for speeding


'A 'speedophile' is driver who speeds to satisfy his own lust for speeding'


That doesn't actually define anything. Too vague. What's 'speeding' - driving at 31 in a 30 zone? Driving at 45 in a 50 zone? Legally, ignoring defective instrumentation - radar and speedo's, for sure - but, really? Are you really saying driving at 31 or 32 or 33 in a 30 zone is really speeding?


Really? Hmm.


'regardless of road safety, road restriction signs... other drivers and other road users'


So, let's extend your logic - driving at 31 mph in a 30 (is breaking the law - I accept that) - means the driver is disregarding road safety (??) road restriction signs (??) as well as the safety of other road users and drivers (??).


Really? You can deduce ALL that from someone breaking the law by driving 1mph over the speed limit?


One does NOT follow the other - just the same as a man being convicted of rape does not mean ALL men are guilty of the same offence.


Are you saying, then, that a Formula 1 racing driver isn't 'aware' of road safety and other drivers because he is driving at 100, 150 or even 180 mph around a racing circuit?


I think you are and, ahem, I think you're being silly.


'He thinks that he is a good driver (which he obviously isn't or he wouldn't be speeding in the first place), '


Oh, another wild assumption from the bias mind of Mr Narrow-mind.


'Speeds' therefore 'bad driver'. Actually, that doesn't need further undermining - see previous para's and 'think' about what you are saying. You're letting your emotions run away with you.


As for the rest - you're ranting.


It's pretty obvious you have been personally affected by 'speeding'. If that is so, your stance is understandable, but it is also far too emotional for you to be rational and sensible.


You are making huge assumptions as to the competency of drivers who 'speed'. You are assuming what is or is not going through their minds when they are 'speeding'. Yet, if you step back from your obvious emotional agenda and consider this:


There are some drivers who 'speed' - i.e. drive at 10 or 20 mph over the limit, even double the limit. Those are wreckless; those are dangerous and a danger to others.


There are many drivers who drive a few miles per hour over the limit - 35 in a 30, 47 in a 40 etc., They are NOT dangerous; they are NOT wreckless; they are NOT a danger to others.


They may be to you, but to the majority of sensible, rational human beings they are NOT.


By your definition, anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car and drives at any 'speed' (lusting for it, lusting!!!!) is an unsafe, wreckless, selfish c*** and should be shot.


By your definition, doing 35 mph in a 30 is the same as doing 60 in a 30 zone.


By your definition a sapling is a tree because it has similar characteristics.


So be it - I have been fined for driving 35 on a 30 zone. I am a bad driver; wreckless; a danger to the public.


Contact the police, have me arrested, tried, convicted and locked up.


There is little point in discussing anything sensible with someone who is so clearly not prepared to accept that, maybe, they're being a little too assumptive.

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So be it - I have been fined for driving 35 on a 30 zone. I am a bad driver; wreckless; a danger to the public.


Can I ask why you were doing 35? Were you not paying attention to your speedo, or were you just ignoring the law to suit your own means?

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Can I ask why you were doing 35? Were you not paying attention to your speedo, or were you just ignoring the law to suit your own means?


Firstly, if you bothered to read more than a few lines of my post - I have accepted and I do not dispute that doing 35 in a 30 zone is AGAINST the law.


Got it?




The issue being debated (well, actually, not debated - I say something. Xranus says I'm wrong, he's right; I attempt to get him to accept that, what he is saying and the assumptions he is making concerning someone driving at 35 mph in a 30 zone does NOT make them wreckless, a speedophile, a bad or dangerous driver, he says he's right and I'm wrong).


I could actually have more of a sensible, reasoned debate with a brick wall, although the outcome would probably be the same - both solid, immovable, dense objects.


Anyway, back to your question - I could explain, but I get the feeling reasons mean little to you (or why would you ask in the manner that you did - my assumptions about you).


So, you're right. Whatever you think or believe or say is 100% true.


I am a wreckless, dangerous, selfish driver who has absolutely no regard for the law. In fact, each and every day I break the law, knowingly, and not just the law about speeding.


Draw it all out to ludicrous levels - I speed therefore I am a thief, murderer, rapist, child molester, fraudster, member of the 'mob'.


It all follows on from one simple act - surely?

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Yawn. Why do the speeders always get mardy and defensive when asked a simple question about their driving habits?


When you take your driving lessons and subsequent test, you obtain your licence in return for agreeing to follow the rules of the road, and proving that you can do so. It's no good whinging and complaining about it afterwards if you can't or won't, you knew the conditions and rules.

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Yawn. Why do the speeders always get mardy and defensive when asked a simple question about their driving habits?


When you take your driving lessons and subsequent test, you obtain your licence in return for agreeing to follow the rules of the road, and proving that you can do so. It's no good whinging and complaining about it afterwards if you can't or won't, you knew the conditions and rules.


It's the tone of the question that leads me to think 'he knows what HIS answer is - he has already reached his conclusion'


If I told you why, it would not agree with your bias so what's the point.


I was speeding. I broke the law. I got points. I got a fine. That's it.


I was not paying attention to my speedo.


I was ignoring the law because I am an arrogant, pompous, know it all who believes he is above the law.


Is that what you want to hear? Of course it is.


Because, in truth, whatever I say or write, that is what you will hear.


Trouble is, the issue being debated with U ranus or whoever, was not about the law - it was, at least for me, assumptions based on perverted opinions - i.e. doing 35 mph in a 30 mph zone = dangerous, wreckless driver.


To Xanus it did, to me (and, I would contend, many others, who have slightly more sensible, open minds than him) it most certainly does not.


But, there you go. I'm getting all mardy and defensive. :loopy:

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To be honest I do agree with variable speed limits on certain roads, and do question why a road should be restricted because of a few moron speeders or crashers spoiling it for everyone - like the lit dual carriageway that runs into Warrington from the M56. It was probably once a 70 mph road, then reduced to 50 now is a ridiculous 40 mph.


There's an unfenced road which runs alongside the Bridgewater Canal, also near Warrington. It was a great little scenic short cut, but because some stupid boy racers in a chavved out Saxo were speeding, lost control and crashed into the canal, drowning the passengers in the back, the road got closed to all traffic.


But your bad attitude just spoils the whole debate and argument and it's because of people like you who can't or won't obey the rules of the road that we all get tarred by the same brush and forced to drive on roads far too slowly than is necessary.


The point I was trying to get across is that you were doing 35mph, and you were either aware or unaware of the fact.


If you were aware, then you obviously don't care about the rules of the road, so you're hardly a good driver.


If you were unaware, then you weren't paying attention. Again, not a good driver if you can't monitor the speedo and the road ahead at the same time like you're taught to.


If you'd done either of these on your driving test you wouldn't have passed. You obviously did, so you learnt something at the time, I'm just wondering why you aren't still adhering to these rules now.


The only way you're going to get speed limits changed is for ALL drivers to prove they can drive safely and not have any crashes. Note I said crashes and not accidents - some incidents are unavoidable, such as a skid on a patch of oil or ice. The M6 has a daily crash because people drive too close. If people can't drive sensibly how is the law and speed limits ever going to get changed in our favour?

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To be honest I do agree with variable speed limits on certain roads, and do question why a road should be restricted because of a few moron speeders or crashers spoiling it for everyone - like the lit dual carriageway that runs into Warrington from the M56. It was probably once a 70 mph road, then reduced to 50 now is a ridiculous 40 mph.


There's an unfenced road which runs alongside the Bridgewater Canal, also near Warrington. It was a great little scenic short cut, but because some stupid boy racers in a chavved out Saxo were speeding, lost control and crashed into the canal, drowning the passengers in the back, the road got closed to all traffic.


But your bad attitude just spoils the whole debate and argument and it's because of people like you who can't or won't obey the rules of the road that we all get tarred by the same brush and forced to drive on roads far too slowly than is necessary.


The point I was trying to get across is that you were doing 35mph, and you were either aware or unaware of the fact.


If you were aware, then you obviously don't care about the rules of the road, so you're hardly a good driver.


If you were unaware, then you weren't paying attention. Again, not a good driver if you can't monitor the speedo and the road ahead at the same time like you're taught to.


If you'd done either of these on your driving test you wouldn't have passed. You obviously did, so you learnt something at the time, I'm just wondering why you aren't still adhering to these rules now.


The only way you're going to get speed limits changed is for ALL drivers to prove they can drive safely and not have any crashes. Note I said crashes and not accidents - some incidents are unavoidable, such as a skid on a patch of oil or ice. The M6 has a daily crash because people drive too close. If people can't drive sensibly how is the law and speed limits ever going to get changed in our favour?


My 'bad attitude' stems from someone, with whom I had not been debating, poses a question in a very 'loaded' way.


If you had simply asked 'why were you driving at 35 mph in a 30 zone? and left it that, I would have replied, sensible.


When you added the stuff about not paying attention to my speedo (implying I wasn't paying attention to anything, full stop) or 'just ignoring the law' I though, here we go, another 'holier than thou ass**le'


So, yes, I thought, what's the point - you've made your mind about me and the reasons why, so what's the point in entering in to a debate with someone who has already reached a conclusion before the debate's even started.


Maybe next time, don't load the question - just ask it and read the reply.

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I can see why you call yourself Alco.bloq.[/QUOT


Xr Anus- I bow to your superior intellect ! Shame you couldn't spell my name correctly... let's hope you pay more attention to your driving skills than your reading skills ! Maybe this is due to the fact your eyesight is failing you .... never mind I'm sure it would be possible to have road signs produced in braille !

It' patently obvious that your copious knowledge of all things "driving" are far too secretive to divulge on this thread (I'm guessing CIA or MI5 - maybe, God forbid "Men in Black")

I for one prosrate myself at your feet in awe of your innate wisdom ! On the other hand maybe you should just take your head out of your Xr anus !


(Oops ... sorry ! Spelt your name incorrectly too!) :wave:


FOR SALE - brain scanner. Hardly used

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