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charles bronson aka Michael Gordon Peterson

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That's rather arse about face. He is kept in a cage because he's been so psychopathically violent to so many people in so many different instances, that it is not safe to do otherwise. Blaming his violent behaviour on the caging, is a bit like saying the reason it is raining is because everything is wet.


Are you saying the caging has not made him worse ?

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That's rather arse about face. He is kept in a cage because he's been so psychopathically violent to so many people in so many different instances, that it is not safe to do otherwise. Blaming his violent behaviour on the caging, is a bit like saying the reason it is raining is because everything is wet.
if you were beaten by guards and had phlegm in your food every day you might fight back,the cage is another way to humiliate him but it doesnt,he draws and paints and then sells the finished article for kids charities hardly the act of a wild insane criminal
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if you were beaten by guards and had phlegm in your food every day you might fight back,the cage is another way to humiliate him but it doesnt,he draws and paints and then sells the finished article for kids charities hardly the act of a wild insane criminal


So what? John Wayne Gacy used to entertain kids as a clown, but he was a serial killer.

Selling crap art for charity doesn't make him a saint.

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im not so sure


i believe he only did ONE armed robbery

He's been released on 2 occasions but each time went straight back to crime and soon returned to prison.


...........the rest is a product of the system / prison service....they tried to break him he wouldnt be broken

Really so he wasn't a violent man before he was 1st sentenced? You have evidence of his previous peaceful nature do you?


If as you claim the prison service is to blame then how come the vast majority of prisoners don't have to be treated like Peterson?

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Our system releases kiddy fiddlers and rapists as a matter of routine...


...only if they are deemed to be no longer a threat. The same applies to Bronson.


That the Parole Board are not 100% accurate in their judgments, does not make this a bad system. In any event, I'm right behind them when it comes to this guy. Some of my relatives used to know him; as far as I'm concerned, the cage shouldn't even have a key.

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if you were beaten by guards and had phlegm in your food every day you might fight back,the cage is another way to humiliate him but it doesnt,he draws and paints and then sells the finished article for kids charities hardly the act of a wild insane criminal

Repeatedly attacking people and taking hostages whenever you get the chance as Peterson seems to however are acts "of a wild insane criminal"

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