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charles bronson aka Michael Gordon Peterson

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Many of those released always had their feet firmly planted in crime and the terrorist crap was simply another aspect of their criminality.

Many of those released have reverted back to type as violent drug dealing protection racket thugs running their neighborhoods with fear. They are still the same violent criminals, its just that they are now a less newsworthy type of violent criminal.


Mad dog Adair and his son go to my gym.

His sons a bit of a wide boy but,actually a very sociable young man.

His dad just wants a quiet life and is aware that he will always be a marked man.I know they both miss their homeland,but going back is not an option.

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Really so there's no other possible reason for him doing that such as PR and attention seeking then?
hardly attention seeking,after all,did you know about his paintings and drawings for a sick childrens charity before you read it on here ?
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It would have to be one hell of a D Notice to get the foreign and domestic media to cover up large scale sectarian violence for over a decade.

ok here are a few hard facts for you, 1973 a welsh regiment was training in jungle warfare in belize,one soldier was killed by rebels,it took the regiment days to recover his body,over a year later one soldier on leave bumped into the widow and presented his condolences,the widow told him that her husband had died in a road accident in germany, therewere no press reports given out because the soldier had been killed whilst over the border on reconnaissance,even the widow was kept in the dark


there were many times in northern ireland that the press were told not to report incidents,most of the information that was leaked out was leaked by local radio that sympathised with the i r a

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Mad dog Adair and his son go to my gym.

His sons a bit of a wide boy but,actually a very sociable young man.

His dad just wants a quiet life and is aware that he will always be a marked man.I know they both miss their homeland,but going back is not an option.


Now he has been a violent man, I'm sure his "C Company" unit is thought to have killed more than 30 people. If he ever asks you to go to a UB40 concert with him....decline :hihi:

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Now he has been a violent man, I'm sure his "C Company" unit is thought to have killed more than 30 people. If he ever asks you to go to a UB40 concert with him....decline :hihi:


Damn! i was looking forward to that.:D

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hardly attention seeking,after all,did you know about his paintings and drawings for a sick childrens charity before you read it on here ?

I try to pay as little attention as possible to the violent criminals some people seem to feel compelled to turn into folk heroes be they murderous draft dodging cockney gangster scum or lone nutters.


ok here are a few hard facts for you, 1973 a welsh regiment was training in jungle warfare in belize,one soldier was killed by rebels,it took the regiment days to recover his body,over a year later one soldier on leave bumped into the widow and presented his condolences,the widow told him that her husband had died in a road accident in germany, therewere no press reports given out because the soldier had been killed whilst over the border on reconnaissance,even the widow was kept in the dark


there were many times in northern ireland that the press were told not to report incidents,most of the information that was leaked out was leaked by local radio that sympathised with the i r a

Working on the assumption that incident actually happened can you honestly not see the huge differences between covering up a single incident which happened far from prying eyes in the jungle back in the 70s and covering up mass sectarian violence in heavily populated urban areas of significant interest internationally in a democracy in the age of the internet?

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to be honest ,no,the government hides news that shows them in a bad light,thankfully the internet has arrived and not much news gets buried .although our forces and the americans are asked/told not to take videos without handing them over for censorship

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after watching bronson (the movie) then googling him.

i feel that he should be freed.

he's been in prision for over 30 years. after getting 7 years for a robbery. yes he got in to lots of violent fights but still murders get less than that.

so whats your take on this matter, should he be free'd to live the rest of his life on the outside.

or die in prision.





stay inside. I don't want to meet him.

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  • 10 years later...

Ive read, not sure how officially accurate it is yet, that hes won his latest appeal?


Source - 50 Shades Of HMP facebook page.



Breaking news Charles bronson is set to be released 21st of April 2021. He has won his appeal and his incarceration has been be ruled to be against his human rights.

Edited by melthebell
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