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9/11 conspiracy theories


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When I look at pictures like these taken during contruction I cant understand how anyone can believe it could just crumble after fires lasting 56 mins South tower and 1hr 42mins North Tower !

Both falling in under 10 seconds !

Iv got a barbeque outside its been on fire dozens of times this summer and hasnt even changed shape !

Steel just doesnt melt like that !



Steel clearly does melt like that. Look back through the thread and you will see that sensible people with engineering experience have explained why. It is great fun, and it makes some authors rich, to try and muddy the waters but the building just fell down because some terrorists flew fully loaded aircraft into it.


On one of the videos that has been put forward as "evidence" on this thread, we have one of the 911 conspiracy cranks being interviewed. He is asked whether all the relatives of the people who died on the flights which crashed into the towers are lying. His answer is something like "I don't want to get sidetracked by going into that now".


We all saw the towers being hit by aircraft and falling down. There are elements of this event which some people, perhaps because of lack of engineering expertise, can't seem to understand, so the official story appears to the conspiracy crank to have the odd hole. The alternative ideas aren't full of holes because they don't have enough substance to hold the holes together. On the one hand we have an event witnessed by thousands of people and even shown live to millions. On the other hand we have the theory that the towers were demolished by a controlled explosion (perhaps controlled by jews) at the same time as an aircraft was crashed into the buildings by Muslim extremists. We have people on this forum who have seen stell roof trusses bend to the ground because of a fire but yet the cransk don't want to believe that an avtur fire can melt steel enough for it to bend.

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Nothing is going to convince me that it wasnt suspicious

that the steel supports all went at the same time and as for wtc 7 ???

What about all the witnesses that heard explosions !

Its not just the buildings anyhow the planes should never have even got to New York without being intercepted .

The fact that the insurance was taken out a few weeks before .

George Bush's brother a director of the security company in charge of WTC Dulles Airport and the airline .George Bushes Father was in a meeting with Shafig bin Laden, brother to Osama on the morning of 9/11 .

George Bush's strange behavour when told ,staring into space for over 7 mins .

The insider trading that indicated people knew something was going to happen .

Destruction of evidence theres no end of it ,tapes and files cct footage all unavailable disappeared or lost .Not to mention the steel and debri from the sites taken away in record time .

The families are wanting answers as well, many of them are unsatisfied with the official reports and who can blame them ? Even the people who wrote them say it was a whitewash !

How can you explain that people in the South Tower were told on loud speakers to go back to their desks when it was known a second plane was on its way and even after the first tower had been struck ?

I could go on and on but its all out there in the muddyness as you call it but its crystal clear to many !

How can you trust this Bush regime lying scumbags and as for caring about fellow Americans how could they tell the rescue workers the air was safe and it was a mixture of God knows what ! Many are paying with their health Strange Silverstein and Guiliani not included !

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So the jews did it then?

You might say that. I couldn't possibly comment.

I think it is unusual for Jewish interests to be solely responsible for something happening, but there are occasions when Jewish involvement is a catalyst (ie a necessary, but not a sufficient condition).

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Nothing is going to convince me that it wasnt suspicious

that the steel supports all went at the same time and as for wtc 7 ???

What about all the witnesses that heard explosions !

Its not just the buildings anyhow the planes should never have even got to New York without being intercepted .

The fact that the insurance was taken out a few weeks before .

George Bush's brother a director of the security company in charge of WTC Dulles Airport and the airline .George Bushes Father was in a meeting with Shafig bin Laden, brother to Osama on the morning of 9/11 .

George Bush's strange behavour when told ,staring into space for over 7 mins .

The insider trading that indicated people knew something was going to happen .

Destruction of evidence theres no end of it ,tapes and files cct footage all unavailable disappeared or lost .Not to mention the steel and debri from the sites taken away in record time .

The families are wanting answers as well, many of them are unsatisfied with the official reports and who can blame them ? Even the people who wrote them say it was a whitewash !

How can you explain that people in the South Tower were told on loud speakers to go back to their desks when it was known a second plane was on its way and even after the first tower had been struck ?

I could go on and on but its all out there in the muddyness as you call it but its crystal clear to many !

How can you trust this Bush regime lying scumbags and as for caring about fellow Americans how could they tell the rescue workers the air was safe and it was a mixture of God knows what ! Many are paying with their health Strange Silverstein and Guiliani not included !


Hindsight muddy's the water;)

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Steel clearly does melt like that. Look back through the thread and you will see that sensible people with engineering experience have explained why.

But Tony has said above:

Grrr... yet again.... the steel didn't melt!

You guys need to get your story straight!

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I just cannot understand how steel columns could collapse so completely.

I agree. Even being charitable to the official theorists and agreeing that the upper part of the steel columns might have 'failed', melted or whatever: given the height and thickness of the columns it's hard to see how heat could have transferred down and caused failure in the lower part of the columns in such a short space of time.

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Oh come on Tony, I believe even you are starting to have your doubts now concerning the official story.


KenH can easily be answered if he were not so ignorant, he has a jaded and Dickensian view on structural dynamics and eyes for only what he wishes to see.


Bartfast has not been on this topic for a while and his Pro-neo-conservative slant keeps him secure in his own world. (kinda miss him) :rolleyes:

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Artisan, sequin & angle20, you need to understand the structual engineering concept of progressive collapse. It's all quite straight forward really. :)


Well it is not exactly straight forward for all of us Tony, but it would be more like 96 seconds than nine for an actual pancake theory to work were it true.

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