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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Well none of the steel was replaced in the 1965 fire at the WTC and that burned for much longer, nice of Dunn to mention melted steel.

Which 1965 fire was that then?


(I'm still awaiting the 'free-fall' calcs by the way.)


(and you still demonstrate a total lack of knowledge of building structures, architecture and fire dynamics) ;)

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One of the things I love about conspiracy theories is how they can change the tiniest detail and use it has proof that the martians kiled Diana. This is one of the best examples I have heard as it relies on transposing two numbers!


The B52 bomber was first flown in 1954 whereas the aircraft hit the empire state building in 1945. In fact it was a B25 and not a B52 that hit the building.


Your quite correct that was a B25, my apologies.. what i was pointing out was that an aircraft had hit a skyscraper before 911, and it survived. (its not too well known)



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It's like comparing apples with oranges though. In that occasion even the aircraft survived! On others, the entire aircraft disintegrates yet the building stays standing like the C130 in Aisia. There's no way to plan 100% for these events so it's not a valid comparison.

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Iv pinched this from an alternet comment thought it was funny :-


The mighty Osama, sitting in his cave, came up with a brilliant idea - he will bring down the WTC using commercial jets in the US of A! His cohorts say, Osama, those buildings were designed (by structural engineers of all people!) to withstand the impact of such planes! Hush, Osama says, I know enough about engineering to know that these buildings will utterly collapse after the fires created by the impacts will burn off all the fire proofing!

He chooses the hijackers carefully and they prove their mettle - with just a little training on Cessna’s, they are able to fly these large jets into skyscrapers, and one hits the Pentagon after performing an amazing turn and lands into the Pentagon without hitting the ground! (And no help from ground control!)

" But Osama, won't the US military stop these jets?"

Osama laughs," oh, they are all incompetent! They will not foil our scheme." And so it goes. Then the US jumps up and down and says that they are goin' to get him! But, alas, those incompetent Americans can't do anything. He escaped into another mountain hideout carrying his kidney dialysis machine and video equipment! What a mastermind!



And heres a link to said hideout as shown on tv by Rumsfield


Theres not just one of these but several apparently :hihi:

Funny though they dont seem to be able to find one !!

And Im the gullable one ??

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9 minute video,

What Happened to WTC Building 7???


Although my earlier posts might have suggested that i believe any theories, I do believe that the planes brought down 1 and 2.


But if you look at the video post i put in earlier ann, you will see a slightly longer version of your video post, and this also throws loads of suspicion about tower 7.



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