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9/11 conspiracy theories


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they are the ones prepared to stand and kill for what they want/believe in, whilst you/we have nothing to fight back with if we hold onto the 'peaceful solution' theory.(how do you stop someone taking what they want without actually confronting them?)........what we should be thinking about perhaps, is where 'our' representatives stand in all this (tony + the UN) - if they stand with him they are his acomplices and we are in the same boat, being dictated to from above.

One day we might have a big Nuremberg-style trial in which members of the Bush and Blair administrations will be held to account for their lies, homicide, breaches of international law and war crimes. ;)

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His cohorts say, Osama, those buildings were designed (by structural engineers of all people!) to withstand the impact of such planes! Hush, Osama says, I know enough about engineering to know that these buildings will utterly collapse after the fires created by the impacts will burn off all the fire proofing!

He chooses the hijackers carefully and they prove their mettle - with just a little training on Cessna’s, they are able to fly these large jets into skyscrapers, and one hits the Pentagon after performing an amazing turn and lands into the Pentagon without hitting the ground! (And no help from ground control!)


I think we have covered this stuff to death but people seem desperate to ignore all the solid facts scattered through these endless pages and then repeat this nonesense.


Is there any evidence that he thought the buildings would collapse? I would have assumed that he just thought that crashing huge aircraft full of fuel would kill lots of people and create chaos regardless of whether the buildings fell or not. He was right wasn't he.


The pilots who flew these aircraft did not just have a few hours on Cessnas. All the pilots had done much more advanced training than that. The one pilot I looked into, because of an earlier misleading statement, was known to have 600 flying hours before he came back to the US for further advanced training including training on commercial aircraft. In any case, as far as crashing into an enormous building is concerned, any competant pilot of a light aircraft would manage fine, but these people had training far in advance of that. The pilot of the flight which hit the Pentagon, for example, had about 20 times the hours and experience of a newly qualified pilot.


There was no "amazing turn" as you will see if you look at the report and see just how far out it turned. What has happened here is that cranks on the web have taken a select few of the words said by ATC and then have published them out of context. When passengers are on a flight the pilot is careful to not bank sharply or to pull up suddenly but this doesn't mean that he, and the aircraft, are not easily capable of doing so. What happened in this case was that ATC saw the sharp flight changes and one commented that the only time they see this is with military aircraft. The conspiracy nutters then changed those statements so they sound as if ATC thought they saw a military aircraft. As ATC have now repeatedly explained, they simply meant that they don't see civilian airliners fly like that in normal operation as it will make the passengers feel sick.

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One day we might have a big Nuremberg-style trial in which members of the Bush and Blair administrations will be held to account for their lies, homicide, breaches of international law and war crimes. ;)


Err no. Even to this day, 60 years on, you can visit places in Germany and Poland where you can see clear evidence of what the Germans did. There are also large numbers of documents left from those times and numerous survivers who can testify. The terrible things that the Germand did to the rest of Europe were easy to prove and even conpiracy nuts can go and see for themselves to this day.

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"One day we might have a big Nuremberg-style trial in which members of the Bush and Blair administrations"......not forgetting the media's role in this too.

I believe there are six counties in America who have called for impeachment in the courts?Anyone have the latest on this?

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' Six counties have called for impeachment.'


Doesn't seem an awful lot when you consider that of the 50 or so states in America, some of them must have dozens or even hundreds of counties.


Rather like Barnsley town demanding Blair's resignation, I would think.

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KenH..Take a look at

http://Http://www.nineeleven.co.uk.They have a "critics corner" you might find interesting.


Thanks, I have looked and I am not interested. I am interested in putting the record straight when people write nonsense on this forum, particularly, when the same old rubbish is repeated over and over again despite being shot down in flames several times on the thread (pun intended). In this case we had someone claiming that the pilots had a "few hours on a cessna" when actually they had several hundred hours on all sorts of aircraft. But because these people want to believe in a conspiracy they don't want to look at the known information such as pilot hours and experience.

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