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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Is there any evidence that he thought the buildings would collapse? I would have assumed that he just thought that crashing huge aircraft full of fuel would kill lots of people and create chaos regardless of whether the buildings fell or not. He was right wasn't he.

I think the writer of this piece was being ironic, Ken. OBL didn't imagine the buildings would collapse. However, neo-con conspirators thought that the total collapse of the buildings would look more impressive on prime-time TV and would help to bolster the case for the ensuing international policy agenda.

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Of the numerous theories about that day, some sound plausible, others downright daft. i'm not sure either way to be honest, i have hard time believing that 3500+ people died as "collateral damage" as part of some bigger plot. but I was also struck at the similarities between how the towers fell, and how tower blocks fall under controlled conditions. It looked too "neat" for me, but i'm still not convinced there are hidden issues

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Err no. Even to this day, 60 years on, you can visit places in Germany and Poland where you can see clear evidence of what the Germans did.

Funnily enough I've just paid a visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau (in conjunction with a visit to the fine city of Krakow); more on that another time perhaps.


Meanwhile, Lib Dem peer Jenny Tonge has been creating one or two waves:




Ms Tonge said: "The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the western world, its financial grips. I think they've probably got a grip on our party."

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However, neo-con conspirators thought that the total collapse of the buildings would look more impressive on prime-time TV and would help to bolster the case for the ensuing international policy agenda.


It sounds like you are syaing with with absolute certainty rather than prefacing it with "some people believe that ....". If that is the case then there must be some evidence somewhere, perhaps a series of taped converstaions between these people where they admit this or a set of documents? Alternatively we could all have seem masses of people die when two big, heavy, highly inflamable, aircraft hit the towers and cause the damage and fire that brought them down.


All the "evidence" put forward against the generally accepted common sense official version is nonsense and based on half truths. Look back a bit and you will see people basing their half baked theories on the "fact" that it looked a bit like when there is a controlled demolition or that a tiny aircraft hit a completely different building and that didn't fall down. Nowhere is there is single shred of credible evidence that can't easily be demolished and yet the cranks simply wait a few weeks after it has been demolished and then re-post it, presumably assuming that the sort of people who believe this rubbish won't be bothered to read through the real evidence.

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