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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Yeah, that's it up there. Anyway.


There are a lot of fruitcakes out there promoting their conspiracy theories. Every one I've heard has had massive gaping insane holes - in fact I was very nearly put off the scent altogether with the 9/11 thing by the fact that one person who was telling me about this proceeded to inform me that we were all created by Ananarchi from the planet Nebulo (or something) who all created us by crossing lions with apes. His justification for this was that a few creation myths mentioned angels coming down from heaven, and the sphinx looks a bit like a lion-ape.


Incidentally with the creation myth similarities - from the same evidence I would suggest that since we all originate from a fairly small ancestral population in Africa by current (and seemingly sensible) scientific thinking, it's far more likely that there was a creation story doing the rounds back then that has since diverged as we spread out, and the products have traded bits with each other in a manner roughly comparable to gene flow as we spread out. That's just the first explanation that popped into my head, but seems to hold together a little better than aliens.


Yes, I digress. Fruitcakes sour the whole deal for rational people, and taint anything that they lend their support to with the stigmata of craziness. If you are a crazy person, stick to your aliens and theologies and don't talk about 9/11 ever, please.


This particular 'conspiracy theory' is however unique in that it is fully supported (in the most part) by the evidence. There are a lot of people now talking about it and educating other people about it who are very normal, very intelligent, perfectly sane - but have just happened to really look at what happened rather than absorbing the media view. Go look.

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(and life's too short)


... then I exercise extreme caution. He looks like becoming a very rich janitor.




Ah yes! Alex Jones. I tend to find that anything with his name attached to it is worthy of humongous dollops of scepticism. The mans made millions out of promoting conspiracy theories and from what I've seen he cares not what bonkers idea he promotes as long as he gets to make something from it.


Lifes too short, or ignorance is bliss, also, was just wondering what percentage of Mexicans are actually given the opportunity of mid-range to top-end jobs in the US ?


Not many you can be sure.

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The same janitor who refused millions of dollars from the US Government to keep his mouth shut about what he experienced on that day.


He now travels and works telling his story funded by private donations.


That's a mighty big accusation. I assume that there's some evidence for that?


Mind you, there is a much bigger payoff in the wings if he can hang on the coat tails of the actions in progress by insurers if they can prove any level of negligence, but he's apparently doing quite well at the moment from his book sales and royalties for his films and selling his story to HBO and Charlie Sheen. Looks like he's pulled another rabbit from a hat - just like when he was a street magician. Smoke and mirrors eh? ;)


But if he really is struggling until his film goes worldwide (yea right) perhaps Alex Jones can help him out though the sales of his "9/11 Was An Inside Job" wristbands... only $23.95 for 6 - a veritable bargain now that they're reduced from $60. :o

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Lifes too short, or ignorance is bliss, also, was just wondering what percentage of Mexicans are actually given the opportunity of mid-range to top-end jobs in the US ?


Not many you can be sure.

Well he appears to have once worked for James Randi and as a (not very good) magician. No doubt he knows a few tricks of the trade when it comes to pulling the publics strings eh? ;)



Come on venger. Don't you get just the faintest feeling that this bloke isn't on the level?

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This particular 'conspiracy theory' is however unique in that it is fully supported (in the most part) by the evidence. There are a lot of people now talking about it and educating other people about it who are very normal, very intelligent, perfectly sane - but have just happened to really look at what happened rather than absorbing the media view. Go look.


The only reason I go on about the subject so much is so people might look, I don't care what conclusions ther draw.

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But I have come to the opposite conclusion. There is quiet a bit of scientific analysis out there and so far I have seen little of substance to show weaknesses in the official story.


Try this for a start - http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html


I've seen that page, and feel that many of the explanations are either incomplete / unconvincing or rely on government information. I think that the makers of videos like loose change do get a little carried away and extreme in their search for evidence, not saying it's all completely true (the missile pod thing certainly doesn't convince me). But, I think the root of it is definitely true. You can see it through from the planning stage to now, piece it together in terms of motivation... it just makes a lot of sense to me.

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Then there were the contents of the men’s checked-in baggage: a handheld flight computer, flight simulator manuals, two videotapes about Boeing aircraft, a slide rule flight calculator, a copy of the Koran, airline uniforms, an Arabic suicide attacker’s handbook written in Islamic rhetoric, and the owner’s last will and testament. that there was official infiltration of even the first two plane attacks.


I have passed through customs in the US, and all over Europe, both before and after 9/11 with a hand-held flight computer, a slide rule flight computer, videotapes about aircraft, flight manuals, and various other bits of flying equipment. I haven't taken a Koran or a suicide bombers manual but then, if they are written in Arabic, the security people wouldn't have a clue anyway. These people were pilots and simply had to show their licences and this would immediately have overcome any problems about anything they had in their luggage. I have even taken items such as knives and flareguns through security using the clever ruse of needing them the other side of security.

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I've seen that page, and feel that many of the explanations are either incomplete / unconvincing or rely on government information. I think that the makers of videos like loose change do get a little carried away and extreme in their search for evidence, not saying it's all completely true (the missile pod thing certainly doesn't convince me). But, I think the root of it is definitely true. You can see it through from the planning stage to now, piece it together in terms of motivation... it just makes a lot of sense to me.


So do you beleive in MIHOP (make it happen) or LIHOP (let it happen) or WTC were detonated?

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Well he appears to have once worked for James Randi and as a (not very good) magician. No doubt he knows a few tricks of the trade when it comes to pulling the publics strings eh? ;)



Come on venger. Don't you get just the faintest feeling that this bloke isn't on the level?



Now who is the sceptic ?


To be honest Tony I don't know either way, but his story ties in with countless amounts of survivors stories, published records, angry officials and god knows what else.

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OK... let's take this back to basics. If this janitor did indeed hear 2 explosions, the first being from below, then another a few seconds later as the aircraft hit, what exactly do you think that first explosion was, and what was it for?

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