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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Let's try to keep to the point of the thread then eh? :)

Yes. Let the conspiracy nuts continue to post their half-baked witterings

and the rationalists, scientists and the sane continue to rebut their incoherent, paranoid lizard fantasies.




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Yes. Let the conspiracy nuts continue to post their half-baked witterings

and the rationalists, scientists and the sane continue to rebut their incoherent, paranoid lizard fantasies.





First class tedium, I'll give you that....






You really, really don't listen, do you?


Just get back on topic.



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10 min,

9/11 Truth:Steel Buildings Don't Collapse From Fire


5 min,

9/11 Truth:Explosive Force&Volcano-StylePyroclastic Flow


10 min,

9/11 Truth:The Bogus NIST Report&The Lingering Questions


Recent one..

10 min,

Thermite & The Case For Controlled Demolition


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10 min,

9/11 Truth:Steel Buildings Don't Collapse From Fire


5 min,

9/11 Truth:Explosive Force&Volcano-StylePyroclastic Flow


10 min,

9/11 Truth:The Bogus NIST Report&The Lingering Questions


Recent one..

10 min,

Thermite & The Case For Controlled Demolition



I am thinking of making my own video in the hope that I might make money out of peoples misery like many of these fruitcakes. I have a beard so I am half way there, I also have an A level in Physics and lots of impressive (but irrelevent) letters after my name.


My plan for the video is this:-


Firstly I will talk for 5 minutes about all the important people who have watched my video, or who have heard me speak, thereby proving I must be right.


Secondly I will make a number of vague statements such as "hey, are we really expected to believe that a building can collapse after an hour of smoke?".


Thirdly I will work on the insecurity of the audience by suggesting that there must be some conspiracy behind this. Depending on my audience I may decide to blame neo-cons, the CIA, men in black, the Illuminati or giant lizzards.


Because it is a video I can't take questions at the end so maybe I will video myself presenting my "compelling evidence" to a group of like minded individuals. In the event that someone with a mind of their own slips through the net and asks a question about where all the people on the flights went to, I will have to say "I am not going to enter into that" because I don't want to cause distress to the relatives.


Alternatively I could make a video called "How I saw a big aircraft full of fuel hit a tall thin building which then set on fire and fell down". Can't see any of the fruitcakes wanting to watch that.

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5 min,

9/11 Truth:Explosive Force&Volcano-StylePyroclastic Flow


ann_a, I actually watched this one all the way through; you're suggesting it proves what exactly?

The alleged 'squibs', for example. If that's what they really were, would anyone have been no-brained enough to plant them in one or two isolated places where they'd produce no harm at all? Bizarre. The pyroclastic flow stuff seemed a total irrelevance. If you were going to bring down the towerswith controlled demolition why bother to fly fuel-laden aircraft into them?

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So having gone thro this thread my opinion is that im very confused .:huh: If has shown on some of the videos there were pre planned explosives placed in the building how do you then get muslim terrorists to board planes and attack the towers.The whole idea suggests that the american goverment wereon some kind of insurance fiddle whichwould have to involve bin ladans men????.Dont these nations hate eachother ,so wheres the whole link come from to tie the planes and placed explosives.I agree the usa is capable of many things but this is way below any stroke they could pull.:confused: :confused:

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,so wheres the whole link come from to tie the planes and placed explosives.I agree the usa is capable of many things but this is way below any stroke they could pull.:confused: :confused:


Saudi Arabia Owns something like 6% of the Usa. (I THINK)

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