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9/11 conspiracy theories


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So having gone thro this thread my opinion is that im very confused .:huh: If has shown on some of the videos there were pre planned explosives placed in the building how do you then get muslim terrorists to board planes and attack the towers.The whole idea suggests that the american goverment wereon some kind of insurance fiddle whichwould have to involve bin ladans men????.Dont these nations hate eachother ,so wheres the whole link come from to tie the planes and placed explosives.I agree the usa is capable of many things but this is way below any stroke they could pull.:confused: :confused:


Thing is, brooksy, that there isn't any credible evidence of explosives being placed in the towers - and don't forget that there are some very deluded people out there, people who believe that giant space lizards are running the show. Barmpots.

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Thing is, brooksy, that there isn't any credible evidence of explosives being placed in the towers - and don't forget that there are some very deluded people out there, people who believe that giant space lizards are running the show. Barmpots.


Giant Lizards..? Eh!! It seems sensible evidence not credible..

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The whole idea to me about this conspiracy idea has one or to major stumbling blocks.After the 9-11 attacks trillions of pounds ete were wiped of the worlds economies, nearly three thousand people died, the coalition waged war on counties promoting terroism.All this to remove the world trade centres. If anyone can give me a reasonable explanation barring the real reason, ie terrorist attack then ill be amazed to be honest.:confused:

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The whole idea to me about this conspiracy idea has one or to major stumbling blocks.After the 9-11 attacks trillions of pounds ete were wiped of the worlds economies, nearly three thousand people died, the coalition waged war on counties promoting terroism.All this to remove the world trade centres. If anyone can give me a reasonable explanation barring the real reason, ie terrorist attack then ill be amazed to be honest.:confused:

You'll be waiting a long time brooksy. It was the lizards. Or little green men. Or Elvis.


Or something.

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At the risk of repeating myself.


The NIST final report published in October of 2004 stated that the steel used in the construction of the towers "performed beautifully" and passed testing.


No tests were carried out to see if the impact might dislodge firefroofing, so that can neither be proven or disproven, a little irregular after spending $16 on a report.


After the 1993 bombing of the trade centre, fireproofing was updraded considerably.


Large amounts of the steel were disposed of in an unprecedented manner, which was also illegal.

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The NIST final report published in October of 2004 stated that the steel used in the construction of the towers "performed beautifully" and passed testing.


No tests were carried out to see if the impact might dislodge firefroofing, so that can neither be proven or disproven, a little irregular after spending $16 on a report.


After the 1993 bombing of the trade centre, fireproofing was updraded considerably.


Large amounts of the steel were disposed of in an unprecedented manner, which was also illegal.

So can you shead light on what really happened, please then we can close this thread.:confused:

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So can you shead light on what really happened, please then we can close this thread.:confused:


If you do not like the thread, then stay away from it perhaps.


The view count is increasing faster much faster than the post rate so maybe not everyone shares you view.

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If you do not like the thread, then stay away from it perhaps.


The view count is increasing faster much faster than the post rate so maybe not everyone shares you view.

Iv nothing against the thread, what i asked is with all the supposed facts you are posting what in your opinion actually and factually happened on 9-11.You obviously believe what you post so can you explain what happened on that day.Thanks:confused:

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Why dont you give yourself a day off Halibut, or at least post something that is provable ?


I'm having a day off thanks venger! Hence more time to pootle around on SF. Post something provable? Pot calling the kettle there, methinks.............


Seriously, if you're expecting us to believe that controlled demolition was involved (which ann_a is suggesting) can you or she give us an idea who would want to do such a thing and indeed why?

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