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9/11 conspiracy theories


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I'm having a day off thanks venger! Hence more time to pootle around on SF. Post something provable? Pot calling the kettle there, methinks.............


Seriously, if you're expecting us to believe that controlled demolition was involved (which ann_a is suggesting) can you or she give us an idea who would want to do such a thing and indeed why?


In brief, the only people to hugely benefit from these actions were the American Government and US corporations.


Civil rights laws were introduced that would not have other wise been accapted by the nation.


Huge contracts were finalised involving stocks, military, rebuilding, insurance scams etc...


The Western World backed 2 wars within a few months that circumvented international laws.


$70 billion worth of the Enron corruption were destroyed inside WTC 7 along with other criminal records linke to corps.


Thats just off the top of my head, conspiarcy or coincidence ?

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In brief, the only people to hugely benefit from these actions were the American Government and US corporations.


Civil rights laws were introduced that would not have other wise been accapted by the nation.


Huge contracts were finalised involving stocks, military, rebuilding, insurance scams etc...


The Western World backed 2 wars within a few months that circumvented international laws.


$70 billion worth of the Enron corruption were destroyed inside WTC 7 along with other criminal records linke to corps.


Thats just off the top of my head, conspiarcy or coincidence ?

So the terrorists on the planes wanted there countries bombed and attacked so they had a chat with the usa goverment and struck a bargain.HMM:help:

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The Bush Adminstration have called it unpatriotic to ask questions about these attacks where the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre were attacked on the same day, 3 steel framed buildings collapsed under very, very strange cicumstances and the Worlds most advanced security nation was rolled over by a pocket full of Arabs (some of which are still alive).


Surely asking questions would be the natural reaction ?

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venger, do you actually know what fireproofing is, how it's constructed and what it does?


... and tell us more about this illegal removal of steel. I think I know what you're going to say, but please humour me.


I said I was not going to get into this Tony, but do you not agree that it is a little suspicious that a comprehnsive investigation were or still should be made ?

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I said I was not going to get into this Tony, but do you not agree that it is a little suspicious that a comprehnsive investigation were or still should be made ?

If you understand the first thing about the issues you will see that it's not necessary to carry out the 'tests' that you propose.


If you drop a milk bottle on the floor it smashes. You don't need to put it in a wind tunnel to see if Hurricane Alan had any effect on the resulting spilled milk scenario..

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If you understand the first thing about the issues you will see that it's not necessary to carry out the 'tests' that you propose.


If you drop a milk bottle on the floor it smashes. You don't need to put it in a wind tunnel to see if Hurricane Alan had any effect on the resulting spilled milk scenario..


lol, now that is funny, your answer for a crime scene not to be investigated.


I do not claim to be an expert of anything on here, my source for this one is Kevin R Ryan from Health Laboratories, linked to Underwriters Laboratories inc who provided the steel.


Look for yourself

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humour me.


The first time it was suggested to me that the US Gov might be involved in all of this was late 2004 I believe, and from what I looked at then, I cried so it is not something I take lightly.


The official story is a comic book compared to the ever increasing amount of evidence and research still being brought to light by independant sources.


Apparently that is unpatriotic.

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