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9/11 conspiracy theories


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And most importantly, this administration could not pull this off. They are just not that good. If they were, we would be out of Iraq now.

This is the whole point about conspiracy theories for me (apart from the nutty people that usually promote them). If the US Government wanted to pull off something that would horrify the world and give an excuse to rage war in the Middle East there are hundreds of ways of doing it that would be so simple to pull off with no margin for error. The problem with all the cranky ideas are that they are all just so complicated and error prone and usually technically impossible to conceive, undertake and conceal!


However, when you look at the numerous omissions, **** ups and failures to take wider responsibility you will see nothing more than the typical day to day working of a Government and its civil services. Like the way that the CIA had two and a half thousand people on its watch list but stupid internal politics prevented them from giving it to the FAA who had 16 on theirs! Criminal level stupidity and negligence. Yes. Conspiracy? No.


Even as I type, there is report on the radio about an airliner going missing over the Amazon Forest with 155 people aboard. They can't find it. Does that make it a conspiracy?


Time and time again Governments demonstrate that they are rarely capable of organising a drinking party in a brewery. **** up beats conspiracy every time.

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The "terrorists" were known for some time to pose a threat..then why were they permitted to take flying lessons in America?


They turned up at a flying school and gave the owners some money. The owners then took them flying.


In 2006 things aren't that simple and the US flying training industry has taken a beating in response. If I wanted to do a flying course in Florida in 2006 then I would need to get a visa, get an official check on my status done by the CAA, find a place an a US schools approved for foreign students, pay for a foreign flight training check with the FAA, have my fingerprints taken etc etc.


I did an advanced training course in the US a mere month after the 9/11 attacks. I did not get a visa nor did I fill in any forms, I simply arranged it by email and turned up and paid by credit card.

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And if you go on Google Earth, and move the cursor around in the centre of 'ground zero' carefully enough, you can make the coordinates add up to 11 ....... or 9.


Spooky that, innit!:rolleyes:


Hey up, you can do the same in the Peak District as well ... and Peru, and Windsor Great Park, and just about anywhere.


This gets spookier by the minute.:o


The Pentagon has 5 sides, a bit of the wreckage hit the wall 6 feet from the ground ... 5+6=11. Christ, this gets worse. My middle son was 11 when it happened, and my eldest had just moved up into year 9. :rolleyes:

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Liverpool FC has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Iffy penalty has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Diving cheat has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Crap referee has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Bramall Lane has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Neil Warnock has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Robert Hulse has 11 letters. 1+1=2


The score was 1-1. 1+1=2



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