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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Liverpool FC has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Iffy penalty has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Diving cheat has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Crap referee has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Bramall Lane has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Neil Warnock has 11 letters. 1+1=2


Robert Hulse has 11 letters. 1+1=2


The score was 1-1. 1+1=2




Plus we're now 20th. 2+0=2 :o :o

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I can save anyone else the trouble of reading them by giving you all the important details from each link.


1. The owner of one flight school where one terrosist trained (are we now saying they did do training after all?) was a bit dodgy and had a visa which the auther thinks he shouldn't have had. Those of us that are familar with Florida flight schools are not surprised that an owner might be a dodgy bloke.


2. Pure fantasy - see the web addres.

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Uncovinced about all of this Still ..?!

Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:

Open Microsoft Word and do the following:


1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers .

2. Highlight the Q33 NY.

3. Change the font size to 72.

4. Change the actual font to the WINGDINGS 1


What do you think now?

Oh dear, some people.

The flight numbers were American Airlines Flights 11 and 7, and United Airlines Flights 175 and 93.


The Q33 NY gag was used to catch gullible people a couple of years ago - seems some are still falling for it.:hihi:

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Sorry KenH,but to me your explainations get more lame,each post that you make..


You don't post any evidence. You simply post entire videos and/or links to huge sites. We don't know what it is about a particular site that you are trying to tell us about. Why not produce a sentence or a paragragh from the site along with the link. If possible you can then provide extra evidence from reliable third party sources or your own experience.


I have no idea how you can possibly think anything I have posed in rebuttle to your fruitcake sites can be lame. In some cases I have provided several independant sources in rebuttal of a single, very dubious source you have provided. In in recent case I showed that even the simple arithmetic on one site was so wrong that the rest of it had to be assumed to be rubbish. With regards to that same site, one of the other fruitcakes you presented (Bowman) explained in his tape why such calculations for flight times are wrong. So which fruitcake do you beleive, Bowman who was a flighter pilot, or the one claiming aircraft start flying at 410mph? You really have to choose one, because the two tell entirely different stories, or am I right in thinking you want to believe ALL theories or to pick an choose between them?


The two links you most recently produced, again without telling us which bits are supposed to be interesting, are a) irrelevant b) fantasy/spoof.


One site is telling us that the owner, a Dutchman, of one school where one terrorist did some training may have had the wrong visa. If that is relevant to anything then I am a dutchman.


The other site is almost certainly a spoof which you have decided is real because you seem to believe anything. This site appears to claim that one terrorist was left alone because he was a drug runner for the CIA. At least I think that is what it said as I didn't find the spoof funny so I stopped reading.

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I do tend to read or view, as appropriate, the contents of the links that are provided on SF in support of the conspiracy theory. It doesn't bother me that people provide links, after all what's the point in paraphrasing a piece of work if that piece of work is well written and compelling.


I'm open minded about anything. In fact, I enjoy being proved wrong!


And wouldn't it be exciting to discover that it really was a conspiracy? Not just a particularly successful act of terrorism? Now that would be something worth talking about down the pub.


Often I open these links that are provided, initially read something that sounds interesting, and think. Oh! There might actually be something here that is true! This IS exciting! But sadly everytime, after a few paragraphs, my heart drops. It's just another load of regurgitated rubbish. The same discredited rubbish that I read a week, a month, a year ago.


And, as I've said before, what I find most disappointing, is that there are people out there making lots of money out of this conspiracy thing, with the websites, the books, the films, the DVDs, the lectures, the TV appearances.


It's corrupt. It makes me sick.

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I do tend to read or view, as appropriate, the contents of the links that are provided on SF in support of the conspiracy theory. It doesn't bother me that people provide links, after all what's the point in paraphrasing a piece of work if that piece of work is well written and compelling.


I'm open minded about anything. In fact, I enjoy being proved wrong!


And wouldn't it be exciting to discover that it really was a conspiracy? Not just a particularly successful act of terrorism? Now that would be something worth talking about down the pub.


Often I open these links that are provided, initially read something that sounds interesting, and think. Oh! There might actually be something here that is true! This IS exciting! But sadly everytime, after a few paragraphs, my heart drops. It's just another load of regurgitated rubbish. The same discredited rubbish that I read a week, a month, a year ago.


And, as I've said before, what I find most disappointing, is that there are people out there making lots of money out of this conspiracy thing, with the websites, the books, the films, the DVDs, the lectures, the TV appearances.


It's corrupt. It makes me sick.


I agree with much of what you have said with one exception. I am quite happy having the links, but think we need to be pointed at the place in the link that the poster is trying to make the point about. On most of these pages they repeat the same old rubbish over and over again. However, we must assume that the reason that we are being pointed at them is that there is some specific snippet or some new information, but where is it?


I would go futher than you in my condemnaton of these fruitcakes. Thousands of people have been murdered and yet these people are saying "the government murdered your son/daughter/wife/husband/mother". What must it feel like to have countless loonies all suggesting a bizzarre theories from the almost believable (if you are a bit thick) to the downright mad (giant lizzards/illuminati)? What is one of these fruitcakes is suggesting that the aircraft your father was on was actually not the one crashing into the Pentagon because that was a missile, where then is your father? It is right and proper that reliable journalists should investigate the circumstances of 911, if only because they should expose the lack of readiness and the incompetance of intelligence. It isn't right that the fruitcake element can go on the public stage and repeat things which amount to malicious libel simply because they are mostly in the US and protected by their law.

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