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9/11 conspiracy theories


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ann_a, I had hoped that the links I provided would help you make a bit of sense of things, especially as they were written by structures specialists, not keyboard warriors.


If you read the posts correctly you will see that I refer to WTC7 in post #1334 and the twin towers in post #1336 where I gave you the links to 3 independant analysis of events, made in England, Australia and China.


It's not "gobbledegook", it's old fashioned engineering facts where the events of the collisions, fires and subsequent collapse is analysed. Do you dispute them?

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They are still there, but remember that in addition to the rubble pile that you saw after the collapse, the towers also had huge multi storey basements that even housed subway stations. There's a lot of volume.


But, under those sorts of stresses, steelwork of any size will shear, deform, bend, and crush. You're an engineer artisan so I know you're aware of how little size matters when subjected to tremendous forces. Also remember that those "massive columns" were actually lots of small bolted and welded sections, not a series of gigantic 102 storey member. Those joints will fail instantly in those circumstances, reducing the building to a collection of small components.

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They are still there, but remember that in addition to the rubble pile that you saw after the collapse, the towers also had huge multi storey basements that even housed subway stations. There's a lot of volume.


But, under those sorts of stresses, steelwork of any size will shear, deform, bend, and crush. You're an engineer artisan so I know you're aware of how little size matters when subjected to tremendous forces. Also remember that those "massive columns" were actually lots of small bolted and welded sections, not a series of gigantic 102 storey member. Those joints will fail instantly in those circumstances, reducing the building to a collection of small components.


I know you are only trying to explain things, but how can you expect us to believe you unless:-


1. You also provide a link to a web site with a video explaining this. If possible the site should have the words "truth" in the domain name.


2. The video should avoid using any science or engineering but should use as many expressions such as "are we supposed to believe .....".


3. A distant relative of Bush should be involved in some way in some company that is vaguely mentioned in your video.


4. Try to find "secret photographs" or "recently unearthed tapes" that support your theory. If these were produced by a whistleblower then so much the better.

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Some of the conspiracy fruitcakes on this forum and in the wider world like to say that, for example, the terrorist pilots who flew the aircraft into the buildings couldn't possibly have got all their training without the government knowing so there must be some conspiracy behind it. Amongst the many contradictary reasons that have been put forward are a) they weren't the pilots because they could barely fly a Cessna b) they were drug runners who flew drugs to/from the US. In fact those of us that know about flight training in the US also know that you could get whatever training you ask for just by handing over money. Since 2001 this has been tightened up considerably so that you need to meet all kinds of criteria to get flight training. Imagine my lack of surprise when, even with this tightening of regulations, we still see things like this:-


One FAA inspector described the case of an Iranian on a terror watch list who was discovered training at a flight school in the South.


"He was training illegally, he had no TSA approval of any kind and we just happened to stumble across him," the FAA inspector told ABC News.


The Iranian was removed from flight training, according to the inspector, but could not be deported because he had a valid Canadian passport.




There is a further useful link on that site which shows the places and dates that the terrorists obtained flight training in the US, but not any qualifications.




This amounts to 19 different flight schools spread across the country, but grouped mainly by the states which are big on aviation training because of their weather.

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But, under those sorts of stresses, steelwork of any size will shear, deform, bend, and crush. You're an engineer artisan so I know you're aware of how little size matters when subjected to tremendous forces.


Here we go again. :roll:



Buildings 4 5 and 6 were a fraction of the height of 7 and so would have had completely different (and much smaller) stresses acting on the structure.



Do you honestly have no doubts about the official story or are you playing devils adcvocate :rolleyes:

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Also remember that those "massive columns" were actually lots of small bolted and welded sections, not a series of gigantic 102 storey member. Those joints will fail instantly in those circumstances, reducing the building to a collection of small components.


You are underestimating the strength of these buildings Tony, or just winding us up, small components or dust ?

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