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9/11 conspiracy theories


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More myths I'm afraid.


The black boxes were found.


Thousands of personal effects were found from the flights so there is nothing unusual in finding a passport and in 19 cases personal effects were used to directly identify bodies. Those effects have been returned to families where possible.

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More myths I'm afraid.


The black boxes were found.


Thousands of personal effects were found from the flights so there is nothing unusual in finding a passport and in 19 cases personal effects were used to directly identify bodies. Those effects have been returned to families where possible.


Here is one of my favourite quotes on this matter from a fruitcake site:-


The Black Boxes would reveal, what kind of flights, planes or other non commercial aircraft objects, really arrived in New York


So, let's think about this for a minute. The fruitcake claims that if we look at the black boxes then we will find out what sort of objects hit the buildings. If they weren't commercial aircraft they wouldn't have black boxes. If it was a specially made "black ops" Beoing then presumably they could also manage to fabricate a black box or even just leave it out. Alternatively they could watch the telly and see what sort of "object" hit the buildings.

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Oh, and this other "controlled demolition" idea that the towers fell neatly down on themselves, thereby "proving" a planned demolition.


I think that you'll find that this shows otherwise. If you want some independent analysis of the collapse by proper engineers instead of armchair "Truth Seekers" you could take a look at this, this or this.

The first of your photos shows the top of the tower rotating sideways.

It then fell vertically, on top of the rest. I believe that is one of the bones of contention. It points at human intervention, to be so accurate in the way it fell. If the top was going sideways, why did the rest not.

Back in the 90's, when they did the first bomb, the aim was to topple one tower into the other.

It is for this reason that I think controlled demolition took place.

It all just went hideously wrong, in broad daylight.

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That doesn't make any sense at all artisan. :huh:

All I mean is that if it started to fall sideways, why did it not continue in that fashion?

Mind you I have just answered my own question in my head.

If the plane had hit at the bottom, the structure would have toppled, as was the intention with the lorry bomb earlier.


I know all about the engineering facts we have discussed at great lenght, it is just the fact that is seems so tidy that gets me. To pull down a building like that in such a neat fashion seems astounding, just by flying an aircraft into it.

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Well, gravity only works in one direction as you well know. To topple would require a sideways moment and an vertically integral structure. Neither of those conditions was present.

I suppose that we are thinking that the building fell neatly. Is that in fact the case?

I remember now reading about some firemen who survived, because they were on the sixth floor. This was the level that the debris came down to.

This is an unprecidented case and should be looked into at the highest level

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More myths I'm afraid.


The black boxes were found.

That contradicts what I've read, Tony.

When the debris was sorted at the aptly named Fresh Kills site on Staten Island 20,000 body parts were reputedly found but none of the fluorescent orange shoebox-sized flight recorders. Ted Lopatkiewicz of the National Transportation Safety Board reportedly said: "It's extremely rare that we don't get the recorders back. I can't recall another domestic case in which we did not recover the recorders".

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