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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Professor Jones's personal beliefs have nothing to do with anything.His work is highly respected around the world.Take a look,Wikipedia.

His paper about 'molton steel' is utterly irrelevant.


"There is even security video of each of the terrorists before each flight." Is the video footage date/time stamped?

Modern hard drive based surveillance systems have electronic time stamps so I would imagine so. What's your point?

Terrorist at airport Terrorist at airport Terrorist at airport

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Do you have any other interests ann_a?


What I don't understand about all this is why I don't believe in the conspiracy theories? I sit in a dark room all day long at a computer keyboard with only the internet for company, surely I must be perfect fruitcake material.


Part of the problem is that there is so much material on the internet which pretends to tell the truth about 911. The situation is so bizarre that when I wanted to look up some real facts about, say, the transponder, the first zillion sites that come up will all repeat the same complete rubbish about 911 and transponders. To get to some real facts about, for example, whether the terrorists even turned them off or what code they used instead, is almost impossible unless it is available at a well known source such as the 91 commission or the FAA. In order to de-bunk the rubbish I have to go to considerable trouble, whereas the fruitcake element can simply post the first ten sites that come up in a google search without any explanation and then go to bed.

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"Do you have any other interests ann_a?"..:D I get the point.

My problem is this.Destruction,confiscation and ignoring of evidence.As we have witnessed,there have been far-reaching effects since 9/11,with no end in sight.We have the Democrats in America,the Tory's here..both ineffectual...why?

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It's going to be a major shock if David Cameron wins the next election,most of all to him I think.I think we're all set for a Gordon Brown victory,with Murdoch's blessing...That's how I feel at the moment...tho' could change,<<<<big smiley here.

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It's going to be a major shock if David Cameron wins the next election,most of all to him I think.I think we're all set for a Gordon Brown victory,with Murdoch's blessing...That's how I feel at the moment...tho' could change,<<<<big smiley here.


Is Cameron in some way related to the 911 plot? Is he a giant lizzard, or did he help place the explosive charges?

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