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9/11 conspiracy theories


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I think thats a load of crap to be perfectly honest! There is no-way that you can organise the deaths of that many people and bringing down of 2 of the tallest structures of the work without someone leaking something. Plus- talk aboutshooting yourself in the foot if something did come out.

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It's a load of old rubbish concocted by people who have nothing better to do with their time than create totally incorrect rumours and spread them around.


It's doing nothing but causing more pain and suffering for those whose families and friends died.

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It's a load of old rubbish concocted by people who have nothing better to do with their time than create totally incorrect rumours and spread them around.


It's doing nothing but causing more pain and suffering for those whose families and friends died.


Alot of the family members have said that the enquiry into the events of 11th of Sept 2001 were a joke and that they haven't been able to find closure.


I certainly dont know if there has been a cover up, but the fact that the Govt aren't being open to it will only perpetuate the theories.



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Look at the videos with detonated charges blowing. It makes you wonder, it did me at any rate, this is not say that it was the USA murdering their own people. It was probably people with inside info to make it even more spectactular than it was. Buildings like that are designed to withstand allsorts

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Look at the videos with detonated charges blowing. It makes you wonder, it did me at any rate, this is not say that it was the USA murdering their own people. It was probably people with inside info to make it even more spectactular than it was. Buildings like that are designed to withstand allsorts


Remember the idea of the US killings its own in order to have a pretext to invade a nation is not a new idea. Papers released a couple of years ago show that they planned just that, in order to be able to invade Cuba.



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Actually, buildings like that do not withstand all sorts. There was a programme broadcast not long after the events which explained how the structure of the towers differed from that of normal skyskrapers, and the basic details of the investigation can be browsed on Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_the_World_Trade_Center


Whilst I am not convinced that all of the official explanation of events of the day are honest, and do feel there is some element of cover up or manipluation of truth going on (how is it that 3 flights deviate from course over restricted, domestic airpspace for prolonged periods of time, yet no-one noticed?), the building collapse itself was a horrific tragedy, and could not be forseen.

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Buildings like that are designed to withstand allsorts


But not planes smashing into the side of them followed by fires that raged (in some parts) hotter than the surface of the sun!



The entire structure collapsed because of these 2 things and them alone- certainly not 'secret bombs' hidden all over the building- even the US government isn't that daft!

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