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9/11 conspiracy theories


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There are theories that it was a missile that struck the Pentagon, it's mentioned on that site that they don’t offer theory or speculation, they do not offer that it was a missile or global hawk.


The site goes through how it isn't possible that the captain would give up the plane, how it isn't possible that the plane knocked over the lampposts and how it isn't possible that the plane made the 330 degree turn on its final approach. It doesn’t offer any explanation as to what they think did happen.


Very odd! Altho the pictures and seem to suggest there was no chance it was a boeng 747! :suspect:

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I think it's a given that eyewitness testimony is unreliable at best, whichever thesis it is pulled in to support.

Individually that is sometimes true.


However, I know that you will concur that there are sufficient quantities of witnesses, RADAR tracks, and bits of B757 and its dead passengers to support the theory that a B757 made a big hole in the Pentagon.

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You really think this?


Its not beyond the realms of possibility. I remember reading that the US Govt actually hatched up a plan to bomb its own infrastructure back in the 60's in order to gain the pretext of invading Cuba.


The plan was vetoed by the then defence secretary!

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You really think this?


It's certainly a possibility, Ryan :( I know it's a mindblowing concept, but who knows what the truth behind 9/11 really is? There are lots of unanswered questions, and governments are not known for their willingness to tell the whole truth to their people....


It did give the American government a cast-iron excuse to launch its 'war on terror' whenever and wherever it wanted....


Really, who knows? Well, apart from those who do know, of course :D



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