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9/11 conspiracy theories


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There are lots of unanswered questions,

Which unanswered questions are they then?


The only one that I know of is a final conclusion (rather than reasoned assumption) about the internal structural failure of WTC7.

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Individually that is sometimes true.


However, I know that you will concur that there are sufficient quantities of witnesses, RADAR tracks, and bits of B757 and its dead passengers to support the theory that a B757 made a big hole in the Pentagon.


Don't bore me with your conspiracy theories. Show me the documents and signed affadavits, otherwise it's all hearsay.



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Don't bore me with your conspiracy theories. Show me the documents and signed affadavits, otherwise it's all hearsay.




Here is some information about how the fruitcake theories about the pentagon get started.


Firstly we have a CNN video about the attack which lots of people must have seen. Don't bother to watch more than the begining, the first 15 seconds will tell you all you want to hear.




The we have some news items from the next day:-


http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/09/11/pentagon.terrorism/ this one has the quote:-


It was like a cruise missile with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon," Mike Walter, an eyewitness, told CNN. "Huge explosion, great ball of fire, smoke started billowing out, and then it was just chaos on the highway as people either tried to move around the traffic and go down either forward or backwards."


Then later the fruitcakes starting quoting this extract or even quoting the fact that newspapers had quoted it:-






In fact, if I do a search for "it was like a cruise missile with wings" I get 553 sites. Most of these quote this eyewitness.


Now this video explains what he really saw:-




If you watched that video in full you will see that the media had deliberately cut what he said to make it more exciting and controversial. If there is a conspiracy in the US it is among the media and the book publishers.


Here is a good site which explains the eyewitness testimony and also the size of the whole and the various other allegations about the pentagon attack.



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Here is some information about how the fruitcake theories about the pentagon get started.


Firstly we have a CNN video about the attack which lots of people must have seen. Don't bother to watch more than the begining, the first 15 seconds will tell you all you want to hear.


forgive me for not watching any of those, but I'm going to wait for the final analysis before coming to any conclusions. Watching a selected bunch of video clips isn't going to convince anyone, whichever thesis you are proposing.


Incidentally, a cruise missile does have wings. Saying "it was a cruise missile with wings" is a bit like saying it was like a car with wheels.


As for eyewitness testimony:

“Eyewitness testimony is, at best, evidence of what the witness believes to have occurred. It may or may not tell what actually happened. The familiar problems of perception, of gauging time, speed, height, weight, of accurate identification of persons accused of crime all contribute to making honest testimony something less than completely credible.”

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It's worth watching that one because it is the eye witness that Truth Seekers use as evidence that it wasn't a plane, but a missile that hit the Pentagon. The media repeat only the central segment where he says "It was like a cruise missile with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon," and this is the 'evidence' that is continually cited.


However... here's the catch. What he actually says at the scene (when you watch the full segment) is;

"I was sitting in the northbound on 27 and the traffic was, you know, typical rush-hour -- it had ground to a standstill. I looked out my window and I saw this plane, this jet, an American Airlines jet, coming. And I thought, 'This doesn't add up, it's really low.' And I saw it. I mean it was like a cruise missile with wings. It went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon. Huge explosion, great ball of fire, smoke started billowing out."


It would be an understatement to say that he's not a happy bunny with all the continual misquoting. Here's what he has said since;


" I will never forget that day, trapped in traffic and then I rolled down the window and heard the sound of the jet overhead. I wasn’t surprised. I worked in the USA today building in Roslyn nearby and we were used to seeing a lot of choppers coming to the helipad at the Pentagon and a lot of commercial jets heading to Reagan which is nearby. But for some reason I looked up and saw the underbelly of the jet as it gracefully banked, then I watched in shock as the jet basically lined up the Pentagon in its sights and began to scream towards the mammoth structure. I watched as it continued to dip from the sky, diving towards the Pentagon. There are some trees that are adjacent to 27 the road I was stuck on, so the jet went out of sight momentarily. Then I picked it up as it struck very low into the Pentagon. The wings folded back and it was like watching someone slam an empty aluminum can into a wall. The jet folded up like an accordion. There was a huge fireball. There was the initial shock of what had just happened. All of the drivers seemed to be in a trance. Then suddenly it ended when a woman began to scream, “They just hit the Pentagon, get back, get back.” She backed her SUV back and forth until she was able to create a crease and then she sped out of the area on the emergency lane. That’s when all hell broke loose as people began trying to get out of the area any way they could, some went forward, and others turned their cars around and drove in the wrong direction. All in an effort to get out of the area."


Here's a whole bunch of other eye wintess accounts. Note the extensive use of the words like "plane" "757" or "airbus", "jet" and "American Airlines". Make of them what you will.

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As well as noting that he has been misquoted, it is also worth noting that he uses these two phrases:-


as it gracefully banked ...



The wings folded back


This means that there was no real dramatic turns going on, and that the wings folded back so reducing the central hole but still doing substantial damage.


It really wouldn't hurt for the conspiracy cranks to watch that one minute video and then realize that most of what has been suggested is based on a conspiracy within the media to make life for exciting and controversial.

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