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9/11 conspiracy theories


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If you watched that video in full you will see that the media had deliberately cut what he said to make it more exciting and controversial. If there is a conspiracy in the US it is among the media and the book publishers.


Here is a good site which explains the eyewitness testimony and also the size of the whole and the various other allegations about the pentagon attack.





Now this is getting interesting! So, lets get this stright... there is a media conspiracy in America, TV and book publishers, trying to create a false impression about 9/11?

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Now this is getting interesting! So, lets get this stright... there is a media conspiracy in America, TV and book publishers, trying to create a false impression about 9/11?

It's an interesting idea isn't it. I tend to think that most news agencies are pretty benign in terms of deliberately spreading mass falsehoods, but they do like repeating the sensationalist stuff through (I would think) sloppy, lazy, and pressured journalism rather than an outright attempt to deceive.


Of the Truth Seekers, I believe that many are simply gullible and often none too bright but some actively seek to spread deceit and confusion. Certain Truth Seekers like Alex Jones are are better at it than others.

Videos, check$

DVDs check$

Books, check$

Sell out lecture tours, check$

Radio shows, check$

TV appearances, check$

Newspaper columns, check$

Defend Freedom Wristbands!!! check$$$

Kerching$ Kerching$ Kerching!$


The deep levels of irony that Truth Seekers perpetuate is the only mind blowing fact that I can see clearly. :)

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Tony.."I believe that many are simply gullible and often none too bright,"..The irony is the fact that the "none too bright" see the lies all too clearly...odd,isn't it?..

I believe there are people deliberately peddling the lies of the American government,the gatekeepers,..the media,posters on the net.But that's neither here or there is it?

Look at who owns the media,then tell me it's not biased.

1% of the official line is wrong or doubtful?




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Tony.."I believe that many are simply gullible and often none too bright,"..The irony is the fact that the "none too bright" see the lies all too clearly...odd,isn't it?..

I believe there are people deliberately peddling the lies of the American government,the gatekeepers,..the media,posters on the net.But that's neither here or there is it?

Look at who owns the media,then tell me it's not biased.

1% of the official line is wrong or doubtful?




The thing is Ann, every time you produce some video or web site we manage to easily show that it is nonsense. Mostly you just then go quiet for a bit and then find another site. Instead, can I suggest that you have a look at the considerable proof that people such as Tony and myself have given you about specific matters and then decide how much of the conspiracy theory you can still swallow when so much of it can be so easily rubbished. In particular look at my recent videos showing how one mans misquote can start a whole conspiracy about cruise missiles. Why not then look at Tony's links to a "truth seeker" website where rubber wristbands can be yours for only $23.


I don't swallow everything I read in the press or watch on the TV about 911, but the conspiracy theorists seem desperate to believe almost anything that is against the official version. In particular, I am sure that the US governement was incompetant and tried to cover this up. I am also sure that 911 and the word "terrorism" was used to link everything Bush didn't like to Osama Bin Laden. This doesn't mean that I think that the airliners were remote controlled by the CIA, because I can see eveidence that this isn't what happened. I can see no real eveidence that the US intelligence services weren't incompetant and no evidence whatsoever that they could plan a massive conspiracy and keep it quiet.

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KenH.."mostly you just then go quiet for a bit"...I do have other things to do.But to be perfectly honest,I tend to ignore your links.I don't need to be telepathic to guess what they are going to say.

You and Tony both,have not provided considerable proof,wherever did you get that idea?

It's obvious that I'm not going to change you and Tony's mind,and I'm absolutely certain that you won't change mine.

The links are there for those who are interested,more as a carrot to research for themselves.:) Admittedly,there is lots of rubbish out there...and lots of sites that misinform,disinform.Whatever,it won't take long to realise that what happened on that day bears no resemblance to the official version...fact.

"In particular I am sure that the US was incompetent..."

Equally I feel just as sure that you are being too kind..

Now,I'll keep providing articles,video's of interest,and leave it to others what they choose to believe.

The relationship with the Bushes and Bin laden is also of interest,but that's for another time.

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From Wikipedia:

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) is an American political think tank, based in Washington, DC. The controversial group was established in early 1997 as a non-profit organization with the goal of promoting American global leadership.


The chairman is William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard and a regular contributor to the Fox News Channel. The Executive Director and chief operating officer has been Gary J. Schmitt. The group is an initiative of the New Citizenship Project, a non-profit 501c3 organization that has been funded by the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the John M. Olin Foundation and the Bradley Foundation.[1]


Critics allege the controversial organization proposes military and economic, space, cyberspace, and global domination by the United States, so as to establish — or maintain — American dominance in world affairs (Pax Americana). Some have argued the American-led invasion of Iraq in March of 2003 was the first step in furthering these plans. Others have gone so far as to accuse PNAC of orchestrating the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in order to enable the government in progressing toward their goals, but these allegations remain highly controversial.


The infamous quote from one of their documents that 9/11 'truth' proponents latch on to:


"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

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