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9/11 conspiracy theories


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I think thats a load of crap to be perfectly honest! There is no-way that you can organise the deaths of that many people and bringing down of 2 of the tallest structures of the work without someone leaking something. Plus- talk aboutshooting yourself in the foot if something did come out.


My advice to you is 'give up thinking'



It's a load of old rubbish concocted by people who have nothing better to do with their time than create totally incorrect rumours and spread them around.


It's doing nothing but causing more pain and suffering for those whose families and friends died.


You clearly know nothing about this tragic event also.


Buildings like that are designed to withstand allsorts


When was the last time a steel structured building collapsed from a fire ?


Then 3 in one day come down.


I have done research on this subject and am willing to go head-to-head with anyone on the subject, but people would rather believe the real conspiracy theory that is called the official story.


I will be able to referance most of the information I use to support an argument, as facts are kinda useful on such an important issue.


Any takers ?


I wait in anticipation ?

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Actually, buildings like that do not withstand all sorts. There was a programme broadcast not long after the events which explained how the structure of the towers differed from that of normal skyskrapers, and the basic details of the investigation ...


how is it that 3 flights deviate from course over restricted, domestic airpspace for prolonged periods of time, yet no-one noticed?)



That might be the pancake theory then, reported on Discovery channel ?


make that 4 fights, 3 hit their targets in close succesion, 1 was delayed by 41 minutes and was shot down by military aircraft once the passengers dicovered that they were going to be used as a weapon and tried retaking the plane, a pilot being one of the vigilantes.


US military most probably shot it down so there were no terrorists to interogate.

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But not planes smashing into the side of them followed by fires that raged (in some parts) hotter than the surface of the sun!



The entire structure collapsed because of these 2 things and them alone- certainly not 'secret bombs' hidden all over the building- even the US government isn't that daft!


lol, hotter than the sun pmsl, the hottest an open fuelled fire by hydrocarbons would be 1600-1700'F, to melt steel, one needs a temoerature in the range of 2770'F


Where were these raging fires, most of the jet fuel burned up within moments of the impact.

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But not planes smashing into the side of them followed by fires that raged (in some parts) hotter than the surface of the sun!




The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The Sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000°C (11,000°F). This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface.


Solar energy is created deep within the core of the Sun. It is here that the temperature (15,000,000° C; 27,000,000° F) and pressure (340 billion times Earth's air pressure at sea level)

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the building collapse itself was a horrific tragedy, and could not be forseen.


The CIA, FBI and some US officials had been forewarned of this sort of attack happening months before it did.


They were told who, where and when but repeatedly declined the reports.

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lol, hotter than the sun pmsl, the hottest an open fuelled fire by hydrocarbons would be 1600-1700'F, to melt steel, one needs a temoerature in the range of 2770'F


I can assure you that you do not need a temprature of 2770'f to melt steel my friend.


on average the melting point for your average alloy is around 1700-2000'f tops.


aluminium's melting point is only 1220'f!

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