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9/11 conspiracy theories


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like most of the "general public" can tell you what a cruise missile looks like


The person in question probably could. However, the point was that he said something like "I saw this airliner fly past me really low and crash into the Pentagon, it was like cruise missile". This was then broadcast by CNN as only "it was like a cruise missile". Then all the crackpots watched only the highly edited version and, along with what appears to be a small hole, decided it was a missile. Afterwards we have people simply lying when they say there was no aircraft debris (it was covered in debris) and the crackpots take this at face value without checking. I wonder what would have happened if he had said "I saw an airliner fly oevr and hit the pentagon, it was like a Korean nuclear rocket".

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Did anyone see the South Park 9/11 conspiracy episode last week? I watched it at my sister's house, and my niece and I were laughing so hard we were gasping.


South Park Studios. Scroll down, it's the Mystery of the Urinal Deuce. And like most South Park episodes, it has something to offend everyone, so beware.


:) Sierra

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As it's de rigour for proof positive, let's have a few links shall we? Just for fun you understand :) ...


The Truth About 9/11 Conspiracy Theories by Cinnamon Stillwell

Why Do People Believe Conspiracy Theories?

Here's the BBC's take on Why we need conspiracy theories

Scientific American also has a few things to say too.

Wikipedia's take on Conspiracy Theory

And possibly the most uncomfortable of all, Conspiracy Theory from Source Watch


Finally, Conspiracy Theories Explained from Psychology Today.

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Pentagon Attack Simulation


Anyone that see's that, reads the official documents (As I have) listing and recording hundreds of eye witnesses as to what happened and still goes :huh: is beyond help in more ways than one.


As for this oft repeated "The hole was too small!" line the Pentagon was designed to be extremely strong (Kevlar reinforment etc etc), so the wings couldn't penetrate as they are just bits of aluminium and so folded into the impact zone. Anyone expecting a cartoon like outline of a plane is merely parading their ignorance.

Now that has to explain even the most naive of muppetry on this thread.

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