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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Well for starters the preamble to the film goes on about how impartial the film is in seeking the truth yet less than 10 mins into the film it's already talking conspiracies and cover ups with leading proponents of the conspiracy / cover up theory.

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I don't agree.This video gives a much more in-depth analysis of the flight to the Pentagon.

As for inaccuracies in the "Loose Change" video,Corey Rowe addresses that here...




Any "in depth" analysis of that flight would include the plane crashing in to the Pentagon - and have interviews with some properly qualified and experienced structural engineers (and aviation engineers) - and all the eyewitnesses - the majority saw a plane hit the building - not just the tiny minority who fit the conspiracy agenda.

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Now that should be interesting..how much I wonder,will be misinfo,disinfo:D

We'll see. ;)

BBC2 did, however, broadcast The Power of Nightmares series in 2004: a rare instance of the mainstream media taking a very sceptical look at the neocons, Al Qaeda and 'the war on terror'.

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