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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Longcol,which eye-witness accounts do we believe?

And if you take a look at the "Pilots for 911Truth site,you will see that they have input from professionals in all areas of the aviation industry.The one's not afraid to speak out, that is.


Anybody who knows people that were there and saw it, and those who helped deal with the aftermath, know the truth. Anybody else who continues spreading these unfounded and misguided rumours are causing pain and suffering for all those involved who are trying to move on and put their lives back together.

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Which doesn't help at all. 40 family members out of tens of thousands, most of whom are vulnerable and easily mislead by the false claims of fantasists who had nothing to do with the events on the day.

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Actually Twiglet,I posted that particular site to kill two birds with one stone,so to speak...to show that family members will not,cannot "move on" as you call it, until there is a full investigation.I'm sure if I were to have a thorough search I would find a lot more than the forty family members mentioned here..and to point out the questions that still need answers.

.. And you didn't comment on the fireman who says "bomb in the building."

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I'm not going to comment on the fireman who said 'bomb in the building' because I can't. All I can say is that people in stressful situations will see all sorts of things and in general their testimony cannot be relied upon.


I personally know several people who lost relatives, several people who witnessed the Pentagon crash and several who were involved in recovering victims from the wreckage. All those who lost relatives are sick to death of all these conspiracy theories being banded around and find them incredibly distressing. As for the others, I trust their rational judgement and personal experience above the mad rantings of people who have nothing better to do with their time.


The vast majority of 'facts' presented on these websites and videos are totally incorrect and can be proved so, as has been discussed in the rest of this thread. If there genuinely were strange circumstances surrounding the events of that day, then these people would have far better served their purpose presenting these alone than padded within false evidence that serves to do nothing but disprove their own arguments.

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Twiglet..."I'm not going to comment on the fireman who said "bomb in the building because I can't."....(me..:confused: )

"All I can say is that people in stressful situations will see all sorts of things

and in general their testimony cannot be relied upon."...Okay,we can discount the people known to you personally then who witnessed a plane going into the Pentagon.I must add,knowing several people who lost relatives,several people who witnessed the Pentagon crash,oh,and several people who were involved in recovering victims from the wreckage does rather lend weight to your argument doesn't it?...

"As for the others"(who might these others' be? like a fireman perhaps?)"I trust their rational judgement and personal experience above the mad rantings of people who have nothing better to do with their time.

As for the rest of your rant,needless to say I disagree.Tho' I have to admit there are many in the "Truth Movement", supposed "shining lights" and respected websites, which are basically disinfo agents,tho' that's just my opinion.

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Okay,we can discount the people known to you personally then who witnessed a plane going into the Pentagon


No, because they were going about their ordinary daily business in a calm and collected normal manner when they saw a plane fly into a building. The firemen were working in incredibly difficult conditions in a scenario they had full knowledge of (planes having flown into the buildings in an obvious terror attack) and would have been under immense stress.


By the 'others' I as referring to the second two groups of people I mentioned, the ones who saw it happen and those who recovered the victims. How does this not lend weight to my argument? They recovered victims still strapped into their plane seats and several in airline uniform. Or are you suggesting the government murdered these people and planted them in the Pentagon too??

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