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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Longcol,which eye-witness accounts do we believe?

And if you take a look at the "Pilots for 911Truth site,you will see that they have input from professionals in all areas of the aviation industry.The one's not afraid to speak out, that is.


I have - there's about 20 people signed up - a dozen pilots (quite a few long retired), a few ground crew, a couple of trainees, an air hostess ............... hardly a fantastic roster of professionals.

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Ann A


You are getting back in to the very bad habit of just posting links without commenting on them.


If you are going to post these links please have the decency to at least give us some idea of the content and the arguements put forward in them....or even better tell us what you think happened.

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Longcol,"You are getting back into the habit of just posting links without commenting on them,".....that's because I feel my links speak for themselves.

......"or even better tell us what you think happened."

It doesn't matter what I think happened.All that needs to be established right now, is were we told the truth?

What do you think?

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This broadcast has:) been posted before,(I know,I posted it,) but is now on video.

Remember,(but correct me if I am wrong)the terrorists were named within a couple of days.Autopsies were not completed until some weeks afterwards,but the interesting questions are contained here.


...and I don't think he ever did get back to him.If he did,please let me know,I would love to hear it.

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Longcol,"You are getting back into the habit of just posting links without commenting on them,".....that's because I feel my links speak for themselves.

......"or even better tell us what you think happened."

It doesn't matter what I think happened.All that needs to be established right now, is were we told the truth?

What do you think?


Kindly explain how a link speaks for itself - it could be a link to anything for all I know.


If you expect people to spend their time watching hour long videos or reading long tracts then please do us all a favour and give an explanation of the main arguments contained in them and the relevance to 9/11 - certainly a lot more than something like "the truth about 9/11".


It is like somebody who I've never met telling a band I've never heard of "are good" - and leaving it at that - not something I'm likely to follow up.


For instance, picking one of your links at random;




tell me what the article is about, who the author is, what revelations about 9/11 they can show to the world - then I can make my mind up whether or not to read it.

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after watching the videos of the plane going into the pentagon in the few weeks!!


I dont belive it was ever a plane that actually hit the pentagon at all, i dont know what it is, but after watching it frame by frame..... its never been happening!


It would be rather helpful if you told us which video you are referring to.

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I found this short video clip earlier today,


and tho' I have seen many clips of the Towers,..similar distance,angle,this is the first time I have come across one like this.Common-sense tells me it's a hoax,but not knowing anything about..photoshopping?..I wondered what others' views were.I am almost too embarrassed to ask,but is something like this easy to fake?

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