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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Hang on a minute..I think my question was..how easy would it be for that particular footage to be manipulated.

As for Popular Mechanics,will get back to that too,even tho'it's been posted before...but right still not feeling too good.


I think it much more likely to be misinterpreted than have been manipulated - but manipulating video hardly rocket science in this day and age.

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Thanks angle20,not to missed.:)

Longcol.."it's hardly rocket science"...so? I have never had call to use it.


Sorry I don't understand your post.


Regarding your question in the earlier post I think it is now pretty easy to manipulate video - I don't think the video in question was manipulated, but neither do I think the video presents any evidence that the twin towers were brought down by anything but jet airliners hijacked by Al - Qaeda.

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I meant I have never used Photoshop,so I am unaware of it's capabilities.

..Interesting that you don't think the video has been manipulated...we are talking about this one?



Then what is your interpretation of the "discs"?


Must add,the video's are worth viewing for the music alone,influence of mykids I think.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else seen this rather superb film. Essentially a bunch of collage kids have put together a film explaining why 9/11 was in fact a government plot and showing the flaws in the official explainations.


Its available on youtube so i urge you to search it out

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