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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Fidel Castro thinks that the 'attack' on the Pentagon was a load of poppycock:


Chicago Tribune article


Fidel Castro accused the U.S. government Wednesday of deceiving Americans about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and suggested a weapons projectile, not a plane, slammed into the Pentagon.


He might be an old commie but I don't think he's far wrong. ;)

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Fidel Castro thinks that the 'attack' on the Pentagon was a load of poppycock:


Chicago Tribune article




He might be an old commie but I don't think he's far wrong. ;)

Why are you still flogging this poor old horse. I guess you have to continue the Anti Amrericanism prevalent in this forum for its own sake. So dear old Fidel proves that no planes struck the Towers does he, so of course he has to be right!!. God help us all. The pictures of actual airliners striking the towers were false then ,were they? I'd like to meet the technician that was able to fake that. I'd liked to have dismissed this post of yours as the raving of a lunatic, except that there are thousands of relatives still suffering grief, thousands of kids lacking a father or mother because of that day.
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To the mods: This entire thread has been nothing but a ceaseless attack on the country I live in. If I sometimes get angry with it I feel I'm discriminated against by you. If you think my last post here was offensive then ban it and me. I don't care any more.

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To the mods: This entire thread has been nothing but a ceaseless attack on the country I live in. If I sometimes get angry with it I feel I'm discriminated against by you. If you think my last post here was offensive then ban it and me. I don't care any more.


Nonsense. You need to deal with the fact that you government(and so, by proxy, ours here) has been complicit in an act of terror..and more importantly, is actively involved in persuing an imperialist strategy wherever possible, notably in the middle east. This is not a personal attack on you, but a general critique of the (falsely) elected representatives of your country.

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I have to agree with John Bradley here. We should all be questioning in a great deal of detail what happened on September 11th. In my view parts of the official conspiricy theory are preposterous and probably impossible.


We should press for independant journalism and ask questions as to why the mainstream press including the BBC continues to refuse to question any aspect of the official theory, often treating people who ask questions as crackpots, despite their relevent qualifications and expertise.


If the official theory is correct why is evidence being kept from the public ? These matters would be easily cleared up if the evidence was released, but there continues to be suspicion because there is no US government accountablitily.

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To the mods: This entire thread has been nothing but a ceaseless attack on the country I live in. If I sometimes get angry with it I feel I'm discriminated against by you. If you think my last post here was offensive then ban it and me. I don't care any more.


exactly buck. if it had been an anti muslim thread people would have been banned by now. it appears ALL Americans are to blame for what goes off in the world. no doubt there are a few dodgy charactors but why should an entire nation be disrespected for this.


however dont worry this forum is not a true reflection of how the usa is viewed. we have numerous pseudo intilectual left wing pilocks who tend to monopolise the debate. the people i know in pubs, work, and family all support america and are happy you are our number one friend in the world.

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