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9/11 conspiracy theories


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exactly buck. if it had been an anti muslim thread people would have been banned by now. it appears ALL Americans are to blame for what goes off in the world. no doubt there are a few dodgy charactors but why should an entire nation be disrespected for this.


however dont worry this forum is not a true reflection of how the usa is viewed. we have numerous pseudo intilectual left wing pilocks who tend to monopolise the debate. the people i know in pubs, work, and family all support america and are happy you are our number one friend in the world.


I don't blame ANY american citizens for what's gone off, save those who work for the governmental agenda. I would explain to you slowly why the american goverment should be held accountable for a whole host of wrongdoings but i doubt that your, er, intellect would be able to process the facts.


The people who support the american foreign policy are either mis-guided, mis-informed or otherwise just somewhat mentally challenged. I'm not sure where you would fit in mikey, but no doubt it would be in one of these three catagories. Along with all your mates from the pub:)


p.s thanks muddy coffee, good to know there are people who know what the score is round here!

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I don't blame ANY american citizens for what's gone off. I would explain to you slowly why the american goverment should be held accountable for a whole host of wrongdoings but i doubt that your, er, intellect would be able to process the facts.


The people who support the american foreign policy are either mis-guided, mis-informed or otherwise just somewhat mentally challenged. I'm not sure where you would fit in mikey, but no doubt it would be in one of these three catagories. Along with all your mates from the pub:)


mmm so everybody who doesnt agree with you is thick. a good argument that one:hihi:


hows your political career going, er, not so well or you wouldnt be trying to impress on here, you aint impressing me mr bradley.:D

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exactly buck. if it had been an anti muslim thread people would have been banned by now


Mikey10 - don't talk rot.


The reason why such threads usually end up with people getting banned is that the posters concerned are deliberately offesnoive, personally abusive and just can't stick with teh rules.


If people behave in a similar fashion on this thread, the same will happen. Just climb down off your very high horse and let the ship slide from your shoulder.

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Mikey10 - don't talk rot.


The reason why such threads usually end up with people getting banned is that the posters concerned are deliberately offesnoive, personally abusive and just can't stick with teh rules.


If people behave in a similar fashion on this thread, the same will happen. Just climb down off your very high horse and let the ship slide from your shoulder.



well all i can say that buck is offended. and i aint got a ship on my shoulder, youll never understand joe lad.

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Nonsense. You need to deal with the fact that you government(and so, by proxy, ours here) has been complicit in an act of terror..and more importantly, is actively involved in persuing an imperialist strategy wherever possible, notably in the middle east. This is not a personal attack on you, but a general critique of the (falsely) elected representatives of your country.
What the hell are you talking about? Falsely elected? We elect just as you do, one person one vote. If a good many of us don't vote, though I always do, is indicative of the malaise that exists here over some of our politicians. But those of us who do believe what we're doing and who we vote for is right. Bear in mind that as many as voted for Bush many or more didn't. I'm sick of conspiracy theories, and people who believe they are the gospel. What do any of yuo prove by it. Will you change the fact that JFK is dead, Princess Diana is dead, 3000 decent human beings are dead in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC because a murderous coward in Afghanistan sent a bunch of misguided suicides who hated us.
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then im on the right track, fella!


And people who can't quite see the manouverings of the american government for what they are, probably are a little thick.


So thats that then, i guess:)


blimey how come your not on newsnight, panarama, asking questions in the house, in the senate, writing columns in the times, the guardian about the subject.


I'll tell you why because youve read someone elses opinion and agreed with it. because it suited our anti american ramblings.


basically your not as intelligent as you think you are, deluded may be a better description.

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What the hell are you talking about? Falsely elected? We elect just as you do, one person one vote. If a good many of us don't vote, though I always do, is indicative of the malaise that exists here over some of our politicians. But those of us who do believe what we're doing and who we vote for is right. Bear in mind that as many as voted for Bush many or more didn't. I'm sick of conspiracy theories, and people who believe they are the gospel. What do any of yuo prove by it. Will you change the fact that JFK is dead, Princess Diana is dead, 3000 decent human beings are dead in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC because a murderous cowardly in Afghanistan sent a bunch of misguided suicides who hated us.


there arent any bad muslims buck, only those forced into evil deeds by the west.:help:

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What the hell are you talking about? Falsely elected? We elect just as you do, one person one vote. If a good many of us don't vote, though I always do, is indicative of the malaise that exists here over some of our politicians. But those of us who do believe what we're doing and who we vote for is right. Bear in mind that as many as voted for Bush many or more didn't. I'm sick of conspiracy theories, and people who believe they are the gospel. What do any of yuo prove by it. Will you change the fact that JFK is dead, Princess Diana is dead, 3000 decent human beings are dead in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC because a murderous cowardly ******* in Afghanistan sent a bunch of misguided suicides who hated us.


the election in 2000 was hardly a fair contest, and the result simply did not reflect the truth. Thats what i meant by it. As for the 'conspiracy theories', my only interest is to dispute any 'official line' if its validity is in doubt...here, the validity of the official 911 story is absolutely in doubt.


What you are doing, buck, is enthusiastically pulling down your 'critical' trousers and bending over the 'truth' table...an act that i personally would rather challenge.

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