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9/11 conspiracy theories


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Again MrC and Mikey10,

you are attempting to make this serious subject into ridicule. It is a deadly serious and unresolved saga which needs clearing up.


I'm not denying that there are some mentalists about who think that everything is a new world order conspiracy, not me. All I want to find out is what the truth is about 9-11. there is lots of evidence which is being kept away from the public which would close down these arguments and they are being witheld.


The truth is mad muslims hijacked planes and flew them into buildings and many innocent people died as a result of said muslims actions. Dick Cheney was not flying them by remote control. George Bush did not order the USAF continental CAP to stand down. It was not a fricking "missile".


Comprende? :)

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Comprende? :)



Tell us which bit of this you don't understand, andrewchase:


Witnessing hardly any plane debris


Engineer Steve DeChiaro says he was perplexed that a plane had crashed into Pentagon by seeing only a small hole in the building and seeing 'no tail, wings, no nothing'. (Memphis Online)


Army Captain Lincoln Liebner says remarkably there was 'no debris from the airplane' at the Pentagon when he got to the building. (Army)


Army Captain Allan Lindsley says he was 100 meters from the Pentagon crash site and didn’t see 'any of the plane.' (Army)


Nurse Eileen Murphy upon reaching the Pentagon crash scene says she was real surprised that the plane 'wasn't there.' (Army)


Sergeant First Class Maybon Pollock says he was in awe that he saw 'nothing left from the plane' at the Pentagon crash site after being told the size of the plane that had crashed there. (Army)


Will Jarvis of the Office of Secretary of Defense tried but failed to see the plane at the Pentagon saying there was just 'nothing left' and couldn’t see a 'tail or a wing or anything.' (U of T Magazine)


CNN's Jamie McIntyre live at the Pentagon scene says there's no evidence a plane crashed anywhere near the building other than pieces that are small enough to pick up by hand. (CNN video)


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Again MrC and Mikey10,

you are attempting to make this serious subject into ridicule. It is a deadly serious and unresolved saga which needs clearing up.


I'm not denying that there are some mentalists about who think that everything is a new world order conspiracy, not me. All I want to find out is what the truth is about 9-11. there is lots of evidence which is being kept away from the public which would close down these arguments and they are being witheld.


A lot of the evidence is being kept away from the public for good reason that many people conveniently forget - it's part of a criminal investigation and subsequent trials. More information was released during the Moussaoui trial and more will be released in the future. This wasn't some 'natural disaster' that was covered up, it's part of a huge murder plot, and to release much of the information is completely adverse to public interest.


I know people who were there that day, and people who dealt with the aftermath. All know a lot more than any of these conspiracy theorists about what went on and all find discussion of these theories downright upsetting and offensive.

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Tell us which bit of this you don't understand, andrewchase:


Do you have any idea how fragile an airframe is?


If you expect a couple of wings on the lawn after a heavilly fuel laden impact like that then you have clearly never flown a plane in your life.


Anyway, back to claiming Dick Cheney fired the "missile" for you, tedious little conspiracy theorist.

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This has all been covered and explained several times in the 1800-odd posts before this one.


I know - I was involved in the extensive discussion we had last year. ;)


My conclusions are:


(1) There was an 'Al Qaeda' plot to fly two planes into the WTC towers;


(2) The US Government knew about the plot beforehand but let it go ahead as a 'new Pearl Harbor' (a pretext for attacking the Muslim world);


(3) The towers had an extensive asbestos problem and were becoming obsolete: they were rigged with explosives to bring about a controlled demolition with a visually dramatic collapse;


(4) The Pentagon and Pennsylvania (Flight 93) attacks were faked add-ons organised by the US Government to embellish the incident.



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I know - I was involved in the extensive discussion we had last year. ;)


My conclusions are:


(1) There was an 'Al Qaeda' plot to fly two planes into the WTC towers;


(2) The US Government knew about the plot beforehand but let it go ahead as a 'new Pearl Harbor' (a pretext for attacking the Muslim world);


(3) The towers had an extensive asbestos problem and were becoming obsolete: they were rigged with explosives to bring about a controlled demolition with a visually dramatic collapse;


(4) The Pentagon and Pennsylvania (Flight 93) attacks were faked add-ons organised by the US Government to embellish the incident.




I'd agree with 1).


The rest is absolute [masked swearing removed] based on pure conjecture.........with not a little spin based on your personal world view.

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the election in 2000 was hardly a fair contest, and the result simply did not reflect the truth. Thats what i meant by it. As for the 'conspiracy theories', my only interest is to dispute any 'official line' if its validity is in doubt...here, the validity of the official 911 story is absolutely in doubt.


What you are doing, buck, is enthusiastically pulling down your 'critical' trousers and bending over the 'truth' table...an act that i personally would rather challenge.

You arrogantly abuse anyone who disagrees with your theories. You questioned Mikey's intellect, although you can hardly know him.. And now its my turn to be insulted. I just told you a simple truth. Those were real airliners who left Boston for New York that day. I know both cities intimately. I don't give a rats ass about who was to blame because I am certain in my own mind it was Bin Laden. 89 pages of AA rant on this this thread will not change my mind even from a person as self important as you.
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I don't give a rats ass about who was to blame because I am certain in my own mind it was Bin Laden.



bin laden was on the 'most wanted list' for a few years.


Now, if a member of the CIA was to see him, he would be obligated to detain him and pass him on to the relevant authorities...right?


so what was going off here then?


Your government has sponsored the bearded one for many years. Intelligence agencies were in contact with a known felon, yet refused to apprehend him.


The simple answer is that your government could have prevented all this from happening, yet chose not to.


Wake up.

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