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9/11 conspiracy theories


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bin laden was on the 'most wanted list' for a few years.


Now, if a member of the CIA was to see him, he would be obligated to detain him and pass him on to the relevant authorities...right?


so what was going off here then?


Your government has sponsored the bearded one for many years. Intelligence agencies were in contact with a known felon, yet refused to apprehend him.


The simple answer is that your government could have prevented all this from happening, yet chose not to.


Wake up.

I have a conspiracy theory for you. They say that Diana's death was engineered by the CIA on George Bush's order because she was going with an ay-rab and might have an ay-rab's kid, thereby putting a muslim heir on the throne of England, our best friend for ever. I am not at liberty to divulge eho they are., but I bet I can find some arrogant jackass to push the rumor around. Sorry if I spelt rumor right.
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It must all be true. It was all written up in Le Figaro, and of course the Washington Times, but not the Washington Post, the newspaper that broke open Watergate. A newspaper from that great ally of America's, France. Wake up yourself!

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It must all be true. It was all written up in Le Figaro, and of course the Washington Times, but not the Washington Post, the newspaper that broke open Watergate. A newspaper from that great ally of America's, France. Wake up yourself!



Dont waste your breath, the cospiracy theory is simply a convenient excuse to have a go at America.

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It must all be true. It was all written up in Le Figaro, and of course the Washington Times, but not the Washington Post, the newspaper that broke open Watergate. A newspaper from that great ally of America's, France. Wake up yourself!


Buck. Do you even bother to think about the links?




probably not.




Your government is lying to you, and laughing all the way to the bank.


and while we are on the subject, the former chairman of the US FEDERAL RESERVE had this to say about america's 'intentions'...




no great suprise there then.


Why didn't they just plant WMD in Iraq.


Surely if they are capable of intigating the biggest cover up in history relating to 9/11, planting a few bottles of bleach would have been a piece of ****.




just found this, thought you may find it interesting




I'm not anti-American, just anti the people who run America. ;)



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I wonder what johnbradley's agenda is, or angle20s. They state they don't hate Americans yet attack the government elected and respected by them. Bradley especially quotes masses of so-called proof of some nefarious actions. But to what end is he so passionate. Nothing he says or does will change a thing. Thousands of innocent people remain dead, and are not coming back. Does he honestly think we are going to forcr our collective way into Congress and throw them all out on his word. Do you realize the harm these theories do to the families of the dead of 9/11. To be told your own leaders were responsible for it.

Strangely enough I find little or no anti british feelings here, no theories about who were responsible for the deaths in London. People here still believe the alliance is in good shape. If only rhey knew.

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Strangely enough I find little or no anti british feelings here, no theories about who were responsible for the deaths in London. People here still believe the alliance is in good shape. If only rhey knew


actually there IS mounting evidence that the british government has operated badly/illegally in current world affairs...there has been talk of the so-called 'mastermind' of 7/7 being an MI6 asset, amongst other things.


The shooting of that brazillian lad in Stockwell was really dodgy (8 headshots at point blank range to supress a man who was already pinned down?) but these are subjects for another thread.


If i have an agenda it is simply to put across the idea that these governments, the dominant one being American, are less than honest about their agenda, and frequently act above the law...without punishment.


You are right, Buck, it won't bring back all the thousands who perished on 9/11. But by lying and decieving and bullying for this 'war on terror', the US Administration have directly caused the loss of countless thousands more civillians.


Now if you read the article on the former chief of the US Fed Reserve, you'll see that it was never about 'terror', but about oil, plain and simple. Something needs to be done about that, don't you think? Raising the public awareness over this must be a good thing...?

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actually there IS mounting evidence that the british government has operated badly/illegally in current world affairs...there has been talk of the so-called 'mastermind' of 7/7 being an MI6 asset, amongst other things.


The shooting of that brazillian lad in Stockwell was really dodgy (8 headshots at point blank range to supress a man who was already pinned down?) but these are subjects for another thread.


If i have an agenda it is simply to put across the idea that these governments, the dominant one being American, are less than honest about their agenda, and frequently act above the law...without punishment.


You are right, Buck, it won't bring back all the thousands who perished on 9/11. But by lying and decieving and bullying for this 'war on terror', the US Administration have directly caused the loss of countless thousands more civillians.


Now if you read the article on the former chief of the US Fed Reserve, you'll see that it was never about 'terror', but about oil, plain and simple. Something needs to be done about that, don't you think? Raising the public awareness over this must be a good thing...?


we're getting into the realms of fantacy now.only a nutter like david ike would believe such...oops sorry.


i dont have a problem in operating out of the law. if our enemies are we should respond acordingly. queesberry rules are out of the window during war times.


if we run out of oil the west would collapse and therefore its worth fighting for.

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